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tendou had found an empty picture frame and placed the magazine cover in the frame. you had hid your face in semi's shoulder when you saw that.

he placed in on the table that was in the hallway that had a bowl for keys and a cactus that ushijima insisted should be there.

you were sitting in your room with the journal that you haven't opened in ages. semi had walked into your room and dropped a book down before leaving. he said to look inside of it for song lyrics. it worked.

once it turned eleven you closed your journal and threw it back inside your drawer in the bedside table.

for some reason the house was a lot colder than it was before. you wrapped your blanket around your body and thought back at the words semi said earlier.

then come and sleep in it tonight

maybe it would be a good idea to take up that invitation. you kept your blanket wrapped around you as you left your room and went over to semi's.

you nearly fell twice due to the blanket, but successfully made it to his room, not even bothering to knock.

"hi." you stood at his doorway and rocked back and forth on the heels of your feet. semi was on his laptop and he looked up at you, a soft smile growing on his lips when he saw your appearance.


"it's cold." you stated and looked over to the hallway when he heard a door slam close.

"you're wrapped up in a blanket." semi had forgotten what he was even doing on his laptop due to being focused on you.


"come here." semi moved over on his bed and you walked over to him. you sat down next to him and rested your head on his shoulder.

"what are you doing?" you asked and watched his fingers move around the touchpad. he had a ring on his index finger and your eyes were more focused on that.

it was black one that looked like just a simple band and didn't have anything on it. "it's something we all have." semi said when he noticed you looking at it. "reon got it for us when we were a band together for a year."

"that's nice." you said and took his hand in yours to spin the ring around his finger. "we got drunk and got matching tattoos."

"what's the tattoo?" semi asked curiously when he realized he's never seen your tattoos.

"the heart on our finger." you lifted your hand and showed him the tattoo of your middle finger. "i also have another one that i got by myself. i think it was also a drunk decision."

"and what's that one?"

"it's three butterflies." you avoided telling him where it was.

"i wanna see it." he said and glanced over at you before returning to his laptop.

"wait can you search up my name?" you asked. "i do it every week and i forgot to do it this week."

"i wanna see your tattoo." he didn't let go of the subject even when typing your name.

you stayed quiet and looked at the screen. your hand took our the touchpad and you scrolled down past your social medias until you reached the articles.

l/n y/n dating band member tendou satori?

l/n y/n quitting the band?

l/n y/n and saeko tanaka? just friends or something more?"

"tendou?" semi asked when you clicked on the article.

"we had lunch the other day when you were buying stuff for the house." you explained and scrolled through the article, seeing the few photos that the paparazzi took of you and tendou walking in the restaurant, out of the restaurant, and even in the restaurant.

little white lies - e. semiWhere stories live. Discover now