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"everyone here?" tanaka and reon looked around the group of people in front of them.

"i think so." reon opened the door to his van and started grabbing the guys by their shirt collars. "inside." tendou and ushijima were escorted into the car and then the door closed behind them.

semi was escorted to the passenger seat. he opened the window when he was inside to watch tanaka and reon get the rest of you into kiyoko's car.

you and saeko were thrown into the backseat by a lovely tanaka. yachi was climbing over saeko's lap to sit in the middle seat while kiyoko had her door opened for her as she got into the passenger seat.

"favoritism!" saeko yelled when she witnessed her brother being very careful with kiyoko while he shoved you and her.

"shut up." tanaka walked over to the driver side and adjusted the rearview mirror.

"if i knew you were gonna be mean i would've just called someone else." kiyoko scolded and tanaka turned his head to look at you three.

"sorry for being so mean." he said before turning back around.

"apology not accepted," you said and crossed your arms. "should've just went with the guys."

"i want to go home and sleep and stay in bed forever." yachi leaned against your shoulder and closed her eyes.

"we have a meeting at five." kiyoko spoke up and the three of you let out groans.

"with the guys."

another wave of groans filled the car.

you opened the window and let your arms hang out the window since you were still parked.

"it's the semi eita." you said and waved at semi who also had his window open.

"and it's l/n y/n." he announced and turned to look at the other guys to see if they saw you.

"yes we have eyes." tendou rolled down his window and leaned over ushijima to look out the window.

"just making sure." semi said and looked back at you. "how is it over there?"

"i want to sleep." you stated and felt the car moving.

"i do too." he nodded.

"you idiot, get your arms and head back in the car before you get them chopped off." tanaka scolded and reached out his own window to slap your arm.

"kiyoko, he slapped me." you whined and moved back inside.

"because he doesn't want you losing your arms." she said.

"what about him?" you pointed over at semi. "he won't be able to play guitar without his arms and would have to play with his mouth or something."

"then that's his issue." saeko said and leaned over to roll your window up.

"but we're supposed to be playing together." yachi said and leaned her feet on the middle compartment.

"yes, we supposed to. if you guys could make it any easier." kiyoko said and turned around.

"is it that hard to get along?" tanaka asked and started driving.

"maybe not anymore." you said and thought about the night. "we were gonna get matching tattoos. or piercings. i forgot."

"that's heavy commitment." yachi said and turned her head to look at you.

"best buds for life, i guess." you said and look at the one tattoo on your finger that the four of you all got a year after the band was formed.

little white lies - e. semiWhere stories live. Discover now