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~ long chapter ~

"i'm so excited." you sat down on a stool next to the kitchen island while kiyoko set up the camera. the four guys were standing on the other side of the kitchen counter with aprons on due to your request.

you had on one of semi's shirts and your own grey sweatpants. semi had a tank top on and sweatpants and like you had asked, his lip ring was back on and attached onto his bottom lip.

"i didn't know wearing an apron was part of this." semi grumbled and looked down at the lilac-colored apron he was wearing.

"slipped from my mind." you shrugged and his eyes lifted up to you with a glare. "whoops."

you grinned and blew him a kiss before turning to kiyoko who had finished setting up the camera. "it's on." you turned to look at the camera that was in a spot that captured all eight of you and the counters that the guys' were going to bake on.

then after they baked their cakes the other three girls were going to bake theres. they didn't all bake at the same time since they didn't want you to be lonely opposite and just sit there by yourself.

"are you sure everything is still in the frame?" you turned to look at the camera and back at kiyoko.

"i'm sure." she looked behind the camera and saw everyone was being captured in film. you turned your head back to the guys and saw that they had already started their baking.

"who's gonna bake the best cake?" saeko had a sticky note pad in her hand along with a pen.

"ushijima." yachi guessed.

"reon." kiyoko.

"anyone but semi." saeko wrote down reon's name.

"i think tendou." the three girls looked at you like you were insane. "what? i've tasted cookie dough he made before he burnt it once."

throughout the next hour the kitchen was a very chaotic place. all four of the guys seemed to be very competitive and started turning the event into a bake show between them.

reon and semi had their cakes in the oven while staring each other down. tendou was sitting on the counter next to the fridge while eating pieces of chocolate while he waited for his cake to cool down a little. and ushijima was happily decorating his cake with a piping bag.

"tendou, are you eating the chocolate?" reon asked when he caught the sight of tendou shoving the chocolate squares into his mouth.

"yeah. want one?" reon shook his head and tendou's head moved to find you. "you want one?" you nodded and he threw the chocolate bar at you. you caught it and pulled back the foil covering it.

"she's supposed to be taste testing the cakes later." saeko pointed out.

"i'm not gonna get full from just a few pieces of chocolate." you shared the chocolate with them while semi and reon took their cakes out.

the decorating part was definitely the most entertaining part of the whole thing. somehow, tendou's piping bag exploded and ended up splattering the side of his cake in a pink-red color.

the other three guys moved away from him after that. you had your head resting on top of your arms while they were on the counter and your eyes were on semi. he was extremely focused on his icing.

"i think we should set a timer." you announced and all seven pairs of eyes looked up at you.

"five minutes?" yachi her phone pulled out and you nodded. you noticed how the four guys began to move more quickly.

little white lies - e. semiWhere stories live. Discover now