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Surprise!! I decided to come back and do like a short chapter type thing related to this book!! It is set in Chapter 24, in which Chris goes away for filming and "forgets" to text Eleanor. Several people have commented that they call bullshit on him just forgetting to talk to her, and they were right. Here's what really happened. I hope you all enjoy! Please read the A/N at the end!!

Chris' P.O.V.

*February- Monday*

I hated leaving her. I truly, deeply hated leaving her, but it was work, there was nothing I could do about it. I used to love the destination parts of filming, but ever since I started dating Eleanor, being away for weeks at a time had lost its appeal.

"Flight 117 to Jamaica now boarding." A voice called over the speakers. I squeezed her small frame against mine just a little tighter.

"I love you." I whispered into her ear, tears welling up in my eyes at the thought of being away from her, even if it was only for a week.

"I love you too." I leaned down and kissed her lips firmly, dragging myself away as slowly as I could to savor my last moments with her. With a final glance, I began walking towards my gate.

The flight was long, my bad mood making it feel even longer. I didn't speak to anyone when I arrived at the airport in Kingston, only giving a short nod to the driver and the people who greeted me once I arrived at the hotel. 

A small smile played on my lips when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I wonder if that's Eleanor asking about the letter I left her. I pulled my phone from my pocket quickly, preparing to text her back when a knock sounded at my door. With a groan, I dropped the phone onto my bed and walked to the door.

"Hey lover, miss me?" A very smug looking Minka asked from the doorway. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion (or maybe it was disgust? More than likely a little bit of both).

"One, I'm not your lover. Two, what the hell are you doing here? Are you stalking me now?" I took a few steps back as she tried to reach out to me.

"One, I intend to fix that. Two, of course not! I'm in this movie too, silly!" Her sly smirk never waivered as my mind began to spiral. 

"Since when?" I spat angrily.

"Since always, honey."

"Quit with the pet names! Also, get the fuck out of my room!" She opened her mouth to say something else, but I slammed the door in her face before she could get a word out.

I was going to fix this. I was about to march over to the director and tell him either she walks or I do, it's his choice, but there is no way I'm working with her. It would have been one thing if we were just exes, but with her making Eleanor uncomfortable, and her obvious vendetta to get me back, it just wouldn't be smart for me to continue.

Unfortunately, by the time I found someone who could tell me where the director was, it was already almost midnight, and they told me that his plane wasn't scheduled to land until morning.

I decided I'd discuss it with them in the morning, and would take the time to call Eleanor before I went to bed. When I reached my room, I scooped up my phone that I'd left on the bed earlier, clicking on the home button only for nothing to happen. I groaned loudly when I realized that it was dead, wondering just how on earth this trip had gotten so bad so quickly.

While my phone charged, I laid back on my bed, flipping the tv on and kicking off my shoes. Before I knew what'd happened, my eyes grew heavy and sleep overcame me.

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