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Eleanor's p.o.v

"Should we tell your family or just wait to see how long it takes for them to notice? Ooh, if we do it that way we can play the same game with my family to see who wins." Chris chuckled, a twinkle in his eye as he played with the ring on my finger.

"We can wait, I might give us away though, I can't go two seconds without looking at it and smiling. It makes me excited to exchange it for a real one." He gave me a wink to which I blushed. I didn't say it aloud, but that thought excited me as well. A future with Chris sounded like paradise. "If I'd known this was all it would take to get you to sleep with me I would've given it to you the day we got here."


"Yep, that's about what you sounded like." I smacked him on the chest and moved to get out of the bed, taking the blanket with me, leaving him out in the open. "Hey! I'm sorry, come back to me."

"Nope." I sashayed away gradually letting the blanket slip from around me as I walked into his closet. "I'm stealing one of your hoodies by the way."

"You know you don't have to ask doll." I slid his patriots hoodie on, savoring his smell that lingered on it, before turning to see him putting on a pair of joggers. 

"I wasn't asking." I grabbed some of my shorts, which you could barely see since his hoodie was so big on me, and walked towards the door. "You ready?"

"Yep." He laced our fingers together just as I was opening the door, bringing my hand to his face and kissing the knuckle just above my ring. "I love you."

"I know." He laughed lightly, kissing my hand one more time then letting them swing back between us.

Surprisingly, we were still some of the first people awake. Everybody stayed here last night kinda like a sleepover, so that when everybody wakes up we can eat breakfast and open presents right away instead of waiting for them to arrive. Lisa and Bob were sipping coffee at the kitchen table with Miles sitting at their feet playing with a toy.

"Good morning sweet girl, did you sleep okay?" I gave Lisa a bright smile, walking over and kissing her on the cheek before grabbing Miles off the floor to snuggle him.

"I did thank you very much, how about you?" Miles giggled when I tickled his belly, trying desperately to squirm away from me without succeeding.

"I slept fine thank you. You and Chris seem extra chipper this morning." There was the slightest bit of a smirk on her face which made me a little nervous.

"Well, it's Christmas! Why wouldn't we be excited?" I laughed nervously when her smirk only widened, gulping just a bit.

"Oh, I thought it had something to do with a very potent piece of mistletoe maybe, one that goes a little beyond kissing perhaps." I blushed tomato red as she took a knowing sip of her coffee, her grin never fading.


"Oh don't worry sweet girl, I want grandkids." She winked playfully at me, and I swear I would've been totally fine with the earth swallowing me up at that exact moment. 

"Yep, somebody's got to carry on the Evans name." I looked at Mr. Evans in shock, not realizing he was listening in.

"What's going on? What are you doing to my poor girlfriend?" Chris asked as he walked back into the kitchen after grabbing Ethan from the living room.

"We didn't do anything to her, that was all you son." His eyes went wide at his father's words before he burst into a fit of laughter.

"I guess you were right to worry about them hearing!" It was hard to understand him through his booming laughter, but I got the just of it.

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