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Eleanor's p.o.v

"No, I'm not leaving just because... Stop it, don't act that way. I'm going to hang up this goddamn phone if you don't... alright goodbye then." I heard what I thought to be Chris' voice when I started coming to. Judging by how ridiculously uncomfortable the bed I was laying in was, I was gonna go out on a limb and say they'd brought me to the hospital. "Are you awake, doll?"

"I wish I could say no honestly. My head hurts really bad." I peeled my eyes open one at a time to look at him, the light from the room only increasing the pounding in my head. Chris gave me his best puppy dog face, full pouty lip and all, which if nothing else made me smile.

"I'm sorry you don't feel good." I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed his hand that was sat next to me on the bed. He immediately laced our fingers and rubbed his thumb along the back of it. 

"What's the diagnosis?"

"Concussion, which means someone's going to have to stay with you for at least the next couple days to wake you up every couple of hours, and your physical exertion should be at a minimum for at least a week." I groaned loudly, puckering my lips in distaste.

"I was supposed to film my part for Winter Soldier today! What do you mean I can't do anything for at least a week!?" Chris squeezed my hand for reassurance, leaning back in his seat to get more comfortable.

"I mean it exactly how it sounds. The part will still be there when you get better, it's not going anywhere. The only difference will be you shooting it later than they'd anticipated, no big deal." I felt tears building in my eyes for no apparent reason, and my breaths started stuttering. "Hey, don't cry. It's gonna be fine."

"I don't even know why I'm crying!" Chris just chuckled and kissed the back of my hand.

"The doctor said that was a possible side effect of the concussion." I nodded rapidly to try to regain my composure, but it wasn't working even slightly. Chris' face crumpled more and more the longer I cried, and before I knew it he was climbing into the bed with me to hold me in his arms, gently shushing me as he stroked my hair.

"What's going on?" I looked around Chris to see Seb standing in the doorway with a cup of coffee and a worried expression.

"Sebby!" A smile broke out on my face and I opened my arms for him to hug me. He returned my smile and walked to the side of the bed Chris wasn't on so that he could hug me.

"I'm so glad you're okay Ellie Bell, you had us really worried there for a little while. If you died I was so gonna blame myself." I laughed through my tears and hugged him even tighter.

"Damn straight you'd have to blame yourself!" He joined my laughter, giving my cheek a featherlight kiss before pulling away.

"You know, I flew all the way to L.A. thinking you'd be all alone and miserable because you didn't have friends or a job. But that is not at all what I found, instead I find you laying on the floor concussed with two major Hollywood hotties worrying over you. In other words Snor, I feel like I wasted my money." Dylan raised an accusatory eyebrow at me from the doorway, taking a long sip of his coffee.

"Thanks for your concern Dyl. I feel so loved." His eyebrow dropped and his face became very serious.

"Are you okay?" I nodded to reassure him which made his posture relax slightly in relief.

"Good. You really did have me worried pumpkin." He gave me an smirk and I growled at the nickname.

"Don't start that please, I've been very happy these last few months of not being called that." It was too late though, I should've known the minute it left his mouth it was too late, but I'd had a sliver of hope. 

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