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Eleanor's p.o.v

The day had been so long that I fell asleep pretty much as soon as we got into the car. I didn't remember much, but I know that at some point Chris carried me inside and laid me down on a bed. Imagine my surprise, when instead of it being my own bed I woke up in it was a completely foreign one. I rubbed my eyes and sat up to take in my surroundings, swinging my legs out from under the covers. It was then that I realized I wasn't in my clothes from yesterday, but instead one of Chris' shirts.

"Chris?" Silence was the only response I got, so I decided it was time to go exploring. I got out of the bed and padded through the large house I was in searching for someone, hopefully Chris.

My journey took me through multiple halls, a kitchen, what I presume was a living room, and finally to a large basement where I heard soft grunts coming from a corner room. I tiptoed towards the sound only to find a shirtless Chris, gym shorts slung low on his hips, muscles glistening with sweat, doing pull ups in his work out room. The sight was enough to make me breathless, and even though I knew I shouldn't, I found myself leaning against the door frame to stare at his muscular form.

After watching for a few moments I decided I should make my presence known to him and walked around so that I was standing in front of him instead of behind. As soon as he saw me he jumped down from the bar and walked towards me, removing his ear buds as he went.

"Good morning sleeping beauty. Did you sleep well?" He sounded slightly winded, but his smile was bright nonetheless.

"I slept really well, thank you. May I ask where we are?"

"Oh, right, we're at my house. You fell asleep before we even made it out of the Disneyland parking lot, and you looked so peaceful that I didn't want to wake you. I figured since my house is on the edge of L.A. and therefore closer I'd just bring you here. Was that okay? I guess I should've woken you up to ask..."

"No, Chris, it's fine, I was just confused. It's not usually a good thing when you wake up in a strange bed, alone, in somebody else's shirt." He chuckled at that, sitting on a bench and drinking from his water bottle.

"Yeah I guess that's fair. If it makes you feel better, I put you in a guest bedroom, and only left the shirt for you, you must've gotten up in the middle of the night to put it on or something." This surprised me, because I don't remember waking up at all last night. I must've really been out of it.

"Thank you for your hospitality, but it's not like we haven't slept in the same bed before." He smiled mischievously and stood to grab my hips and pull me closer.

"This is true. You know, the longer I look at you in that shirt, the more I think it looks better on you than it ever will on me. Maybe you should keep it." He wrapped his arms around me, bringing his face very close to mine.

"Maybe I will." I closed the gap between us, melding our lips together in a sweet kiss. His hands moved under the shirt I was wearing to run up and down my spine causing shivers to run down it. I pushed him back until his knees hit the bench he'd been on previously and straddled his lap. His hands then found my hips to grind them into his, a groan escaping both of our lips at the friction it caused.

The sound of our pleasure must've awoken the two of us to the fact that we were moving really fast, because almost simultaneously we pulled away from each other, trying desperately to catch our breath. We sat their for a moment, neither of us daring to say a word, but not wanting to move either.

"Well, I don't think you want to go out in that, so would you like me to go get you some clothes, or do you want to wash the ones from yesterday? I guess you could just put them back on, but they're probably pretty sweaty and gross. Not that you're sweaty and gross! That's not what I mean..." I quickly pecked him on the lips to stop his rambling. "We could ask Sebastian to bring you clothes, I'm sure he'd be more than willing."

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