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Eleanor's p.o.v

I was startled awake by a finger poking my cheek. My eyes slowly opened, revealing a very close up view of Sebastian's face which was mere inches from mine. I huffed to show my aggravation at being awoken and pushed his face away. Before I could bury my head back in my pillow he grabbed my hands and yanked me into a sitting position.

"I thought you were dead for a minute there. How are you feeling lover girl?" My brows furrowed at the nickname, and I gave him a confused look.

"I feel like shit. What's with the nickname?" He paused to look at me with pure amusement in his eyes.

"You don't remember do you?" Oh god, this can't be good.

"I don't remember what exactly?" Seb's face split in an evil grin as he leaned back on his hands.

"Oh, nothing really. Just you flirting relentlessly with one Mr. Evans. I don't know everything that happened, but I know that something happened." I widened my eyes at the revelation, trying to think back to last night. Most of it was a blur, but I can remember dancing with someone, teasing each other, and... Holy shit!

"Oh my god! I kissed Chris Evans!" 

"You did what!?" Seb looked like he'd just heard the best gossip in years, and I swear he leaned in to hear what I said next. The longer I thought on it the more everything cleared up, and the more embarrassed I became. With a loud groan I flopped onto the bed and covered my face with a pillow.

"My life is a black hole of misery!" Sebastian laughed loudly at how extra I was being, but I really was upset about how much of a fool I made out of myself. "It's not funny Seb! I'm never gonna be able to talk to him again! This is so embarrassing."

"You're gonna make an amazing actress sweetheart, you're already dramatic." I glared at him. "Easy tiger, I just mean that it looked like he was flirting back just as hard, so I wouldn't worry about it. Hell, he might not remember any of it either!"

"God I hope not." My eyes drifted to the clock on the bedside table, widening when I saw the time. "Shit Seb, we're gonna be late!"

The next 30 minutes were complete madness as I ran around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to get ready. I looked like a hot mess when we walked out the door. I was dressed in leggings and an oversized jumper I stole from my brother a while ago. My hair was in a messy bun on top of my head, and I hadn't had time to put my contacts in so I was wearing my glasses. If that wasn't bad enough, I had no makeup on except a touch of mascara, meaning the dark circles from having a hangover were out on full display.

Because we'd slept in so late, we had to catch our own ride which made us even later than we already were. When we got there, Seb was immediately whisked away for hair and makeup, but instead of going with him this time I went to get some coffee. Scarlett was making herself a cup as well, and smiled when she saw me coming.

"Well don't you look adorable today." I snorted at her while I poured the nasty black liquid into a cup, making sure it was more creamer than coffee.

"It's okay Scar, I know I look like a mess." She laughed and shook her head.

"No, I really meant it. You have one of those personalities and faces that can pull off this look. Cute nerd." 

"Thanks... I think." She smiled at me before winking. We talked for a few moments longer, but were cut off by a deep voice calling out to her. Much to my chagrin, the voice belonged to the one and only Chris Evans. I whipped around without thinking, immediately regretting it when his eyes widened. He picked up his pace to get to me quicker, and before I realized it the 'flight' reflex in my 'fight or flight' kicked in. I ran down the corridor, ignoring his calls for me to wait, sliding down the wall outside to catch my breath. 

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