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(This is still the same day as in the prologue.)

Eleanor's p.o.v

I'm gonna be late! I ran down the sidewalk, racing to get to the tall building that would hopefully become my place of work. I needed this job. It was my last option since everyone else has turned me down for reasons I'm not sure I quite understand.

I skidded into the office just as a secretary was calling my name. I strutted towards her as if I hadn't just sprinted the last three blocks, and tried to hide the fact that I was practically panting by pretending to be nervous. 

The walk to the boss' office was silent, and I took the time to hammer out what I was going to say. The secretary stopped in front of a door and knocked gently.

"Mr Biglee, your 8 o'clock is here." Her high pitched voice made me cringe ever so slightly, but I hid it with a smile.

"Send her in." The secretary moved out of my way so I could step in. I took a deep breath and smoothed my outfit and hair before walking in.  Mr. Biglee didn't even bother looking up from whatever was on his desk, and motioned for me to sit down. "Are you Ms. Connors?"

"Yes,sir. And I must say that I'm so grateful that you're considering me for this job..." I was interrupted by his sharp intake of breath.

"Actually sweetheart, I'm not. I just don't think you're right for the position." 

"Pardon me for sounding rude, but why the hell not?" The man sighed and finally looked up at me.

"Truth be told, you're, uh, image is all wrong." What?

"I don't understand what you mean sir." He looked as if he was deciding whether or not to tell me something, and finally leaned back in his chair and gave me a long look over.

"You're too pretty to put it simply. If you were coming for a minor job or for a position as secretary I'd have you in a heartbeat, but I'm afraid that the position you're asking for just isn't right for you." He's got to be kidding.

"Sir, I need this job. This is my last hope, and with all due respect, I meet every qualification and then some for this job. But you're saying, if I understand you correctly, that a masters degree in business, the exact type of business this job position requires, means nothing because I'm too pretty." He nodded as if it was the simplest thing.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying doll face. I don't think anyone would take you seriously." I scoffed and shook my head before forcing  a smile onto my face.

"Well, if that's how you feel then I guess I'll be going. Thank you for your time." I stood preparing to leave the room when his voice called out from behind me.

"It's L.A. sweetheart, I'm sure there are plenty of agencies that would hire you." I had had enough of the pet names and turned to look at him.

"I'm not sure they would take me seriously. You obviously didn't." With that I walked out of the room as if I owned it and never looked back despite the anxiety rising in my chest.

This was my last option, and it had blown up in my face. I'd risked everything coming here after I graduated. I left everything that was familiar, I left my family and friends. All because L.A. was my best shot at getting into the career I'd just spent years of my life learning about.

When I got outside I immediately started heading towards the cafe down the street. If I'd gotten this job that would've been another plus, my favorite cafe was only a block away. I didn't get the job though, which means I'm in deep shit. I walked into the cafe and took a deep breath to smell the amazing pastries before heading to the counter to order.

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