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Chris' p.o.v (Surprise! Lol)

I can't believe I was about to introduce Eleanor to my parents already. Up to this point I'd never been someone to move fast like this, in fact, I was better known for moving really slow, but something about her... she's different, in a good way though. I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye, noticing immediately the way she was rubbing her hands and biting her lip. She was nervous. Can't really say much though considering I'm practically shittin bricks myself.

The texts to my family had been interesting to say the least, each one of them reacting differently to the prospect of me having a girlfriend that I was ready to bring to meet them. My siblings were mainly coming for support, my dad was skeptical, and my mom knew something was up. She'd actually called me to ask what was going on when I'd told her we'd only been together for three months, knowing full well how reluctant I was to settle down before.

I knew when I felt Eleanor start bouncing her leg up and down that she was having pretty bad anxiety, so I decided to get my shit together and be there for her like I should've done from the beginning. I grabbed her hand in mine, rubbing my thumb across the back of it, occasionally kissing it. This seemed to help at least a little bit, because her leg stopped bouncing, but I knew she wasn't quite at ease just yet.

"Talk to me doll."

"What if they hate me? What if they think we're moving too fast? What if I fuck up and say or do something stupid? I don't deserve you Chris! You're are so good to me, and you deserve better." I was shocked at her outburst, so it took me a minute to catch up, but as soon as I did I began shushing her.

"There are a thousand what ifs doll, you just can't focus on the negative ones. Instead of what if they hate you think, what if they love you. And as for all that other stuff, none of it's true." She shook her head like the stubborn little thing she is, my heart breaking slightly when I saw tears begin to well up in her eyes.

"But it is. Other than the fame stuff what that lady said yesterday is true. I don't deserve you, there are so many women that are so much prettier than me, and smarter, and kinder, and better actresses. You can do so much better."

"That's not the point! Just for the moment I'm going to set aside all those stupid ass things you just said about yourself, hoping you know that none of it's true and that you know you are beautiful and brilliant and humble and an amazing actress, and focus on the fact that it doesn't matter what those other girls have because I chose you. I told you when we first started hanging out that I wanted a love at first act, and I found that in you. Not anyone else, you."

At this point we'd reached my house, so I parked the car and turned towards her, nearly breaking when I saw that the tears were now streaming down her face. I quickly pulled her into my arms, the quiet sobs that raked through her body pushing me over the edge and sending tears down my own face. We stayed in the hug for a while, both of us needing it, needing to feel the other.

"My makeup is probably damned to hell now." It always amazed me how quickly she could pick herself back up, and it was swiftly becoming another reason I loved her.

"You look better without it anyway."

"Kiss ass." I couldn't help but laugh at that, helping her wipe the makeup out from under her eyes before kissing her head.

"Are you ready?" She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, counting softly to herself.

"As I'll ever be." With that we exited the car and made our way to the house. My first instinct was to just walk in, but I paused when I saw Eleanor getting ready to knock.

The door opened almost instantly, and knowing my family it was probably because they'd been waiting by the door for us, possibly even watching us through the window. I had to hold in a laugh at Eleanor's face when she saw my entire family smiling widely at her in the doorway. She was trying her best to smile back, god bless her, but I'm pretty sure she was scared witless.

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