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"Okay everyone that's all for today!" Daichi shouts.

"Phew i'm tired! Y/n can you bring me my water bottle!?" Bokuto yells from the other side of the gym while laying on the floor.

"Okay!" I grab his water bottle and start heading towards him.

"Here." I drop the water bottle on his stomach causing him to groan.

"What was that for?!" Bokuto says as he sits up to drink some water.

"No reason, just bored and tired..." I chuckle.

"Well we're almost done here so i'll be able to take you home in a few minutes." He states.

"No it's fine, I think i'll walk home by myself today!" I assure him.

"You sure? You're usually scared to walk home alone."

"I'll be fine, i'll call you if I need anything! Bye!" I say before walking towards the exit.

"BYE EVERYONE!" I yell out earning some responds from most of them.

I didn't feel like saying bye one by one today since i'm tired from today. When I was about to walk out, I hesitated since i'm scared of walking alone in the dark. I did tell Bokuto that I didn't need him to walk me home but that was only because he seemed tired and so I wanted him to get home faster to rest.

"Ooo I should call kenma!" I mumble in excitement.

                                   Calling Kitty



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