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Kenma Point Of View

"Oi dumbass!" I hear Kuroo say from behind me.

I kept walking, not wanting to talk to him at the moment since I knew it would most likely be about what I said earlier.

Even though I didn't mean it in a bad way, I still said it in a way that sounded wrong. It's not that I wouldn't date her but i'm scared of dating.

"Kenma." Kuroo says grabbing my shoulder in order to keep me from walking away.


"I'm sorry for teasing you guys earlier, I shouldn't have said anything." I glance at him to see he's actually sorry.

"You didn't do anything wrong, i'm the one who should apologize. Mostly to y/n since I sounded a bit harsh." Kuroo takes his hand off my shoulder and starts walking signaling me to start walking as well.

"Would you date her if you both liked eachother, I know how you feel about relationships but if you wouldn't then you should tell her straight up before someone ends up hurt." I stop and think for a second before responding.

"I don't know, I want to but what's the point when feeling are just temporary. I might like her now but what if I lose feeling or she does. I don't want to end up hurt or hurting her. Plus relationships are so much work and are stressful." I say looking down. Kuroo sighs and gets quiet for a few seconds before responding.

"Then you should take some time to think about it and whenever you feel like you have an answer then you should let her know, plus i'm pretty sure she likes you so it would be worse if you didn't talk to her about it now." Kuroo says making me look up at him.

"What if she hates me after what I said earlier..?" I say hoping to get reassuring answer from him.

I don't want to think she hates me or will act differently around me because of what I said, I like having her around and how she acts with me now. I'm pretty sure she didn't find it to be a big deal but I did, not because it might have hurt her but me as well.

"She won't hate you, i'm sure of it!" Kuroo says before laughing a bit.

"What." I sternly say as I glare at him.

"Last time a girl showed sighs of liking you you instantly distanced yourself but with y/n you're keeping her close!" He says genuinely smiling.

"I've grown to like her thats all." I say walking away towards the room as Kuroo stands there laughing.

~3th Person Point Of View~

Little did they know, y/n heard their whole conversation while looking for her way back to the mangers room. She didn't mean to eavesdrop, it just kinda happened.

She wasn't really mad at kenma or found what he said that big of a deal. It did make her think about if she was being annoying but only for a minute. She did like him but she also respects his opinion which meant that if he didn't want anything to do with relationships then she'd stop and try to move on.

Y/n stood there leaning against the wall for a couple more minutes before deciding to head to the mangers room. She didn't want to start overthinking things that weren't said or about what could happen.

It's 5am I should really fix my sleeping schedule |(3)| Anyways I don't know how to feel about this chapter but hope you guys enjoy!

Leave feedback plz (o_o)

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