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The trio finally makes it to me after I put away all my nervousness from earlier. I get into character, well not really since i'm always like this just with more nervousness. I look a Bokuto ready for him to explain.

"Bokuto explain." I say standing in front of the three with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Um you see..I wanted to practice with kuroo today...and..ummm... we just made this plan today and...well i would have told you....but it was a little to late...so i just hoped you wouldn't be to bothered......" He says nervously while rubbing the back of his neck and standing there like a child about to get scolded.

"Idiot. Next time just tell me before hand, if you do that again i'll make you run extra laps!" I scold him while kenma just looks at us dumbfounded and kuroo snickers at bokuto being scolded.

"You to rooster! Don't be making last minute plans without warning me first!" I scold him making him stand up straight.

"Yes ma'am!" He says.

"Kenma you get a free pass cause you're cute. Now go practice!" I say making kenma blush as kuroo looks surprised and butthurt.

"How is that even fair!? Aren't I cuter?!" Kuroo yells at me.

"Not really, sorry not sorry bedhead." I chuckle.

"Stop denying the truth!" He yells.

"You're the one who can't accept the truth!" I yell back.

"No you're just mad i'm hotter then you!" He yells while putting his finger in my face.

"Kuroo don-" Bokuto tries warning him before being cut off by me biting kuroos finger.

"OW WHAT THE HELL WOMEN!" He yells turning around while sucking on his finger trying to make it feel better.

"I didn't even bite you that hard." I roll my eyes and turn around to notice the whole team watching us bickering.

Wrong Number (K. Kenma)Where stories live. Discover now