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*Call from Kitty*

Accept or Decline


Kitty- "Hey."

Y/n- " What do you wanttt??" I yawn.
Y/n- "You woke me up from a nap so it better be important enough to disturb my sleep." I rub my eyes and sit up, looking around to see where the music was coming from.

Kitty- " Hop on the game."
Kitty- " I wanna explore this map I found" I hear clicking in the background meaning he was already logging in.

Y/n- " Can't we play another timeee!!" I whine as a yawn follows.

Kitty- " No I wanna play it now since you'll be asleep later."

Y/n- "Fine i'll play." I say before getting up and heading towards my pc to log in.
Y/n- " What is the map even about?" I ask out of curiosity.

Kitty- "Uhh I don't know actually, the description said something about a scavenger hunt." He says nervously.

Y/n- "A scavenger hunt?" I question.

Kitty- "Yeah."
Kitty- "It sounded interesting and I didn't want to play it alone."

Y/n- "I guess that's a good enough reason."
Y/n- "Invite me!" I say spam clicking my mouse.

Kitty- " Patiences women."
Kitty- "Hurry up and join." He says one second after sending the invite.

Y/n- "Patiences women!" I mock.

Kitty- "Hahah very funny that's why your internet's trash." He say two seconds after he saw me loading in.

Y/n- "It's not trash! It took two seconds which means it's fast!"
Y/n- "Anyways where did we just spawn?" I ask as I look around at the big city full of villagers. All I could hear was the weird noses they make all the time.

Kitty- " Come into the coffee shop, I think this is where we start." He says as I hear some clicking on his end.

Y/n- "In here? Oo it's pretty, I feel like i've seen this place before!" I say before walking into the shop. Walking in and I immediately saw kenmas avatar standing in front of what looked like to be the cash register. The place was nice for a minecraft recreation. My main focus was on the cats running and sitting around the place.

Kitty- "The sign says to order something and then head to the white table in order to receive the starting map." He says making my focus go to him.

Y/n- "I want cake!" I say spamming the cake button, which started spawning cake in front of me. I take it all and take a seat at the white table, kenma joining me after getting a... potato?

Kitty- "Now what?"
Kitty- "Where's the button?" He asks as his avatar stares at me.

Y/n- "Uhh you said it was here!" I say before looking around and then noticing the pressure plate on the table.
Y/n- "Maybe drop the cake there?" I hesitantly say.

Kitty- "I already ate the potato so you throw a cake on it." Kenma says before crouching. I drop a cake on the pressure plate which triggers something. A map suddenly pops up, kenma grabbing in before I had the chance too.

Y/n- "What does it say?" I ask.

Kitty- "It's the next location. Let's go." He says before starting to exit the small cafe. I take one last look around at the cute minecraft cafe and the cats before walking out to follow kenma.

Y/n- "I should have taken a cat!" I whine as I follow kenma around the city.

Kitty- "We're here." He says as I look up to see where we were.

Y/n- "A PETTING ZOO!" I say running in, not waiting for kenma at all.

Kitty- "It says to starts with the sheep to find out where to go next." He grabs the map and heads towards the sheep with me following behind and looking around.

Y/n- "There they are!" I run in the cave and start feeding them as kenma grabbed the next map that lead us to the next spot.

Kitty- "Let's go. Bunnies next." He says leaving me behind. I follow him again while still looking around.

Y/n- " Ooo bunnies!" I squeal.

Kitty- "Next is llamas, let's go." He says after grabbing the map.

~Half an hour Later~

Kitty- "Okay this is the last one." I look to see what the last animal was. To my surprise they were cats! I started feeding them all fishes while kenma grabbed the next map.

Y/n- "You're coming home with me!" I grab a leash from the chest and put the grey cat on it.

Kitty- " Come on let's go." He starts walking, not waiting for me again.

Y/n- "Where to next?" I ask.

Kitty- "I don't know, just follow me."

Y/n- "Follow the leader! Quack!" I say specifically to my cat.

Kitty- " We're close." He says. I start seeing a pathway of cherry blossom trees on each side. They were really pretty, i'm glad I had the texture pack activated. I was about to enter the path till suddenly I got disconnected.

Y/n- "WHAT THE FUCK!" I slam my hands onto my keyboard, hurting my hands a little.

Kitty- "We'll play tomorrow." He says laughing.

Y/n- "Fuck you, I wanted to see what was down the path!"

Kitty- "Too bad. I'll see you tomorrow, make sure to get a good nights sleep. Goodnight." He says hanging up before I could even respond.

"Asshole." I mumble to myself.

I'm tired from all that playing but I enjoyed it, it was fun. But hopefully tomorrow is more fun since kenmas taking me out. I wonder where though...

To Be Continued...

Sorry guys I took thanksgiving break off and i've been busy with finals! Don't worry though we're close to the ending (ò_óˇ)

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