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Wesley's POV

Crash!!! I looked down at the test tube that had just smashed on our lab work bench. I quickly looked around to check if Mr Mattison was in class, luckily for me he wasn't. He tended to give kids who broke things in his science class detention, it was way too nice a day for me to be stuck here once school let out. I should be out surfing or skating or at least home jamming with my band, that consisted of my best friend Drew and my little bro Keats. That was basically my life outside of school and it was pretty great. Other than making it big with my band, I really felt like I had everything I needed. Huntington Beach was an awesome place to live, and the fun beach parties and cute girls were just a bonus.

My lab partner, James, laughed at the guilty look on my face, his laugh was weird and that made me laugh. The two girls who work at the bench in front of us turned around, and as usual the brunette, who had quickly introduced herself as Taylor the first day of class, smiled and giggled. I tried to remember back to a time when the blonde, or Skye as Mr Mattison kept yelling everytime she broke something, had flirted or even smiled at me and I couldn't think of a single time. That kind of bothered me, I mean, almost every girl in my year had tried to flirt with me at some point, it's the perks of being a lead singer in a band. Everytime we played a gig at a party or local club, all the girls there from school would be at least a bit interested, and then I realised I had never seen her out at a party or really anywhere. I basically only ever saw the back of her head in science lab, but at least she had really pretty hair to look at. 'Wait! What? Calm down, lots of girls have pretty hair, girls who are interested in you, don't even think about trying to pursue her, she clearly doesn't like you', my inner voice scolded me. 

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Skye laughing and I turned to see her grabbing Taylor's shoulders. I strained to hear what she was saying, it was something about not touching breakables and avoiding detention and having a shift somewhere. Damn, I couldn't quite hear everything so I leaned over the bench slightly to get a tiny bit closer. Taylor caught my movement out the corner of her eye and glanced over, catching me staring at them. 'You're an idiot' taunted my inner voice, as Taylor turned back to Skye grinning and obviously relaying that she had caught me looking. Skye didn't seem to care, which bugged me even more, I mean I get that you're not interested in me but you don't even care that I might be interested in you, 'Which you aren't' added that voice. Skye seemed even more annoyed in fact, which meant she raised her voice slightly so I could catch the end of their conversation. "You know I need the money from the yoghurt shop so please focus today and don't let me break anything", Skye said to Taylor.

So all those times she had broken things in science it wasn't because she was being careless, she was clumsy. I smiled to myself thinking about how many times I had broken something in this class but managed to get away with it, which made me feel a bit sorry for her. Through out the rest of class everytime I looked at the 2 girls in front of us, Skye was standing away from the bench instructing Taylor what to do. Skye clearly had a handle on this whole chemistry thing, unlike me who spent most of class trying to balance things on my palm or writing lyrics in my notebook. I looked between Taylor and Skye, they were so different, I was suprised they were friends. Taylor clearly went all out when she got ready for school this morning, I glanced from her perfectly straight hair, to her sparkly bangles, to her short skirt. BAM! She has nice legs I thought to myself, I smiled when I realised that was exactly what she hoped guys would think when she put the skirt on this morning. Then I looked at Skye, she clearly thought of no one when she got dressed this morning. That's not to say she didn't look nice, I mean clearly I liked looking at her blonde hair, which today was just tied up in a messy pony tail. I glanced down at her jeans and Vans, she seemed laid back and wasn't trying to impress anyone. Somehow that was sexy, 'STOP IT' screamed my inner voice.

The bell went, signalling the end of class so I started to pack up all of our equipment. I heard a soft bang right near our bench and then a loud crash. I looked up to see Skye staring down at a pile of broken glass on the floor near her feet, right next to our bench. Of course Mr Mattison stormed over and gave her detention, accusing her of 'horsing around'. I saw the frustration in her eyes as she tried to defend herself and explain she had work after school. He wasn't listening, he just turned and walked away. The little voice in my head seemed to know what I was going to do before I did, 'DON'T DO IT' it screamed. 'Think of the surf and the skate park, think of how boring detention is', it carried on. But without my permission the words "Actually Mr Mattison, I was the one who dropped the beaker" spilled out of my mouth. Skye looked up and when she saw I was the one who had spoken those words she looked shocked. I gave her a small smile then looked back to Mr Mattison and accepted my punishment of detention.

Breakable (a Wesley Stromberg fan fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin