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Skye's POV

My phone vibrated in my pocket pulling me from the sweet moment me and Wesley were having on the beach. I took it out of my pocket, it was from mom, 'You going to be home soon, me and Paul are going to movies if you want to come'. I smiled, I liked Paul, so did my mom and he seemed to like my mom a lot which made me happy. "Who's that?" Wesley asked as I quickly text her back saying to go without me and I'd be home soon. I didn't like the idea of admitting it was my mom texting me, I didn't want him to think she was checking up on me, she wasn't like that. "No one" I said casually, "Walk me home?" I asked as we started walking back up the beach. "Of course", he replied enthusiastically. We chatted as he walked me and my bike home, mostly about my job at the yogurt shop, he seemed pretty interested in how long I had worked there and who I worked with. "Cory, who you know" I said bitterly, "Kelly, who is great and Ben is the other main one, he's the owner's son" I listed off my fellow yogurt shop employee's. "We have some casuals for weekends and holidays but mainly it's just us 4" I finished. He continued to ask me about them, how old they were, if they were single, "Why, are you looking to date Kelly or Cory?" I joked but Wesley didn't seem too impressed.

"I was more asking about Ben" he said flatly, I giggled, "Or you could date Ben" I kidded with him but his face stayed serious. I could tell he was thinking about something and didn't want to tell me, I suddenly understood how much he must hate it when I did this to him. We reached my house, Wesley laid my bike on the grass, "It works both ways you know" I blurted out. He looked at me quizzically, "Obviously there's something on your mind, so spit it out" I urged him. My phone vibrated again interrupting us, I pulled it from my pocket, my mom, 'I'm seeing a movie in 3D'. She is currently obsessed with movies in 3D, where as they make me feel sick, I was glad she had Paul to go with, it made me grin. "I don't even have your number you know" Wesley brought me back to the current situation, he sounded bitter. I realised I had never actually given it to him, how is that possible I wondered. My phone went off again, it was a picture message from my mom, of popcorn, damn her getting a smart phone. I quickly text her back, 'That's great mom but I'm with Wesley right now so cool it yea'. I knew this would mean an endless string of questions when she got home but for now the texts stopped.

I turned my attention back to Wesley, I felt bad for leaving him just standing on my door stop while my excited mother text me about the movies. I stepped up to him, as usual he smelt amazing, it almost made me light headed, and put my arms around his waist. "Was that Ben texting you?" he said sounding angry. I was so stunned I couldn't speak, why would he think it was Ben, is that why he was asking so many questions before? "I'll take your silence as a yes" he continued, "Which means I'm out" and he started to walk back down my driveway. I was confused and angry and about a thousand other unpleasant emotions, here I was trying to forget about his actual past and he was creating one for me. "So I guess blurting out accusations is better than calmly telling me what you're thinking then?" I yelled after him, "Hypocrite!!". He stopped walking, I panicked, I wasn't one for arguing, I really had nothing else to add. He closed the distance between us again, "You made me promise not to kiss other girls but it's ok for you to flirt with other guys?". Now I was even more confused, where was he getting this idea from, had he heard some crazy rumour at school and why didn't he just trust me.

"That's rich coming from you Wesley" I snapped, "I'm probably going to end up on the end of a long list of girls you can say you've dated and I'm the one catching shit from you? You're the first guy I've ever dated so whatever crazy rumour you're basing these accusations on, well it's not true" I was so pissed. His face no longer looked angry but more hurt, I'm not sure how we had gotten to this point but I felt guilty somehow. "Ben likes you, you know?" it was not the response I was expecting from him. I shook my head in disagreement, "You don't have to believe me but he does, and I was jealous, and then you kept getting texts and...." he trailed off. All my shadiness with the texts, Wesley thought I was texting Ben, he was jealous. I'm not sure if this makes me a bad person but I was a little happy that he got jealous, it showed how much he cared about me. "It was my mom" I rushed the words out, wanting to clear up this mess as soon as possible. "What" he questioned me, so I clarified, "The texts were from my mom, asking if I want to go to the movies", he looked so relieved. "I'm so sorry" he apologised, "I guess you're not the only one who's new to this proper dating thing", he looked embarrassed.

I couldn't believe he was having doubts about how much I liked him, or that he was just as insecure as I was, it was refreshing. "It really does work both ways you know" I said gently. He looked at me and slipped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him, I got goosebumps as I felt the warmth from his body on mine. "I know, I'm sorry", he apologised again. I took a deep breath, "And I don't just mean with the saying what we're thinking", here goes nothing, "But with the kissing other people thing, I only want to kiss you and when the time comes, I want to take that next step with you", I hoped he understood what I was saying. He smiled at me and pulled me in for a hug, I wrapped my arms around his neck and settled my head on his chest, taking in his smell and the feeling of security. "Want to come inside?" I asked him, he pulled away so he could look me in the face, his eyebrows raised as if asking a question I laughed, "Oh, settle down, we're not taking that step now" I insisted. He laughed as I unlocked the front door, then followed me inside.

"Doesn't mean we can't make out for a bit though" I said giggling as we entered the living room pulling Wesley behind me. I felt his strong arms wrap around me, he turned me to face him and bent down to kiss me. He reached his hand up and held my face as our lips moved in time, I got caught up in the moment, running my hands under the front of his shirt and pushing him down on the couch. I straddled him on the couch, I wanted him, he was so hot and his hands pulled at me showing me he wanted me too, which made it even more heated. I was suddenly struck by the thought that I was leading him to think more was going to happen here than was actually going to happen, I pulled away breathless. "Talk to me" he said, looking into my eyes with sincerity, knowing I was thinking something he needed to hear. "I'm not going to be ready for sex for a while" I was honest and I braced myself for his response. He just grinned, "That's fine, this is good" he added right before he grabbed me and pulled me in for another deep, hot kiss. He was right, this was good!!

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