Fourty Six

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Wesley's POV

As soon as we walked through the doors I knew coming to the party with Amber was a mistake. I really didn't want to be at the party at all, let alone with Amber, who was grinding up on me. Previously I would have enjoyed a girl pressed up on me like this but not anymore, this just felt pointless. I kept checking the door to see if Skye had arrived yet, as I downed cup after cup of beer, I felt like tonight would be easier if I was drunk. I told Amber I was going to get another drink and headed to the kitchen, where I filled up my cup again with beer. Patrick and Dan came in, "Hey Wes" Dan said and I nodded at him, I didn't know him that well but I saw him out surfing occasionally. I made my way back to where Amber was dancing in the living room, it was a perfect spot to keep an eye on the door and if Skye walked in she would see I had moved on, even though I hadn't. I took a sip of my beer and looked at the door as Taylor, Lucy and Skye walked through it. Skye looked amazing, she left me breathless, even from here her blue eyes were captivating. I took in her black dress, she was showing some skin where the fabric was cut away, it was sexy as hell and I hated that I couldn't look away. The sight of her in heels took me back to the hotel in LA, that was the best night of my life, I smiled remembering, but then the pain flooded back as I remembered how she ruined everything.

I chugged my beer hoping to get to a point where I was drunk enough not to care anymore, I felt Amber pressing herself so close to me that I almost stumbled backwards. I tried not to pay any more attention to Skye but a few minutes later I noticed her and Lucy dancing on the other side of the group of kids gathered in the living room as it became a make shift dance floor. Skye was enjoying the music and watching her dance in her tight dress, that showed off her every move was turning me on. I wished she didn't still have this effect on me but she did, I kept watching as Taylor handed her a cup, I assumed of beer. The thought of her getting drunk made me nervous, regardless of everything I didn't want anything to happen to her and she made bad choices when she had been drinking. I made a mental note to keep an eye on how much she drank but quickly realised it wasn't my place as she shook Dan's hand and leaned up to whisper in his ear. I hated seeing her even getting that close to another guy but I didn't get a say in that anymore. I focused all of my attention on Amber, trying to forget about Skye, placing my hands on her hips as she swayed them. It didn't have the affect I had hoped, it only made me think about how the only girl who's body I wanted my hands on, was Skye's.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Skye finish her drink far too quickly, this wasn't good I thought to myself. She walked out of my line of sight, with Dan, but I refused to turn and see where they were going. I waited a few minutes for them to return but they didn't and eventually my jealousy and  concern got the better of me and I scanned the room to see where she was. My heart broke when I saw Dan leading Skye upstairs, I was hurt and angry that she would do this and I felt so powerless, I couldn't exactly stop her. I kind of wished she had more to drink because then I could think she was doing it because she was drunk but I know she only had one beer. I felt like I was going to cry, or punch something, my head was spinning from seeing this and from consuming so much beer so quickly. I needed to get some fresh air and calm down so I rushed outside and sucked back some of the cool night air. "You ok Wes?" I heard Amber's voice from behind me, and then felt her put her arms around my waist from behind. She leant up to whisper into my ear, "I can make you forget all about Skye", I felt her breath on the back of my neck. My mind was a little hazy, I was on my way to getting drunk, and forgetting about Skye sounded like the best thing in the world. 'Don't be an idiot' my inner voice urged me, 'Don't hook up with Amber' and I knew it was right, I would regret it. I walked away from her, freeing myself from her grip and over towards the pool.

Suddenly I felt someone shove me from behind and I couldn't stop myself from flying into the pool, the cold water shocking my body. I came up for air, spluttering, only to see Amber remove her dress and dive into the pool. She swam up to me, popping up from under the water right in front of me and putting her hands on my shoulders. I was in shock, I was cold and miserable and fully dressed in a pool with a girl in her underwear. Amber ran her hands under the front of my shirt, he hands were warm on my chest and moved her face closer to mine. "Wes" she purred, "Skye is upstairs with Dan right now. You don't have to think about her anymore", her words made me angry. Skye was upstairs with Dan right now and I was here turning down a sure thing  because I wanted to be a good guy. Amber moved her hands from my chest to the hem of my shirt lifting it up and over my head then pushing her body against mine. Her body felt warm against mine, my mind was fuzzy and before I could decide if this was a smart idea, she kissed me. It didn't feel like the right thing to do but I tried to ignore that feeling, things would be so much easier if I could go back to the way I was, before Skye.

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