Twenty Three

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Skye's POV

I put my hand up to my eyes trying to shield them from the bright sunlight spilling in through the living room window. My neck was stiff, my back was sore and I looked down at my clothes from yesterday. All the drama from yesterday flooded my mind, but I had a little bit more perspective now that I had a chance to sleep on it. It still made me feel sick to think about everyone at school gossiping about me, but who cared what they thought, it'd blow over pretty soon. I just had to stay beneath the radar for a few weeks, become invisible again and this stupid rumour would be forgotten about. I knew hanging out with Wesley, what with his reputation and now his new hobby of punching people in the cafeteria, I wouldn't be able to lay low. The idea of not seeing Wesley anymore gave me a pain in my chest but it was all too much for me, I was right when I thought I couldn't handle everything a relationship would bring, I just wasn't ready.

I reached over and retrieved my phone from the other couch, I had 4 text messages. One was from Taylor telling me that her and Lucy would be over at 6, I glanced at the clock on the wall, it was already 1pm, I had slept for 14 hours. The other three were from Wesley, I didn't read them, I just deleted our entire conversation from my phone, I didn't want to know what he had to say, I just had to forget about him. I flipped on the TV and watched a Lifetime movie for the next 2 hours, not wanting to get up and face the world yet. I was mentally preparing myself for the bonfire, I had to show the kids from school that I wasn't fazed by the gossip because it wasn't true. I also had to figure out what to say to Wesley, I assumed he would be there and I had to come up with something short and to the point. I knew the longer I was around him the more I would want to change my mind, and that was not an option. Finally at 3:30 I rolled off the couch and headed upstairs for a shower, standing under the water, hoping it could somehow wash the feelings I had for Wesley off me. I headed downstairs to make some dinner but I just wasn't hungry, so instead I just flopped back on the couch in my towel.

Taylor and Lucy arrived at my house just before 6, they were not impressed that I hadn't even started getting ready. "You have to look amazing tonight" said Taylor, "Yea, show Wesley what he's missed out on" added Lucy. I rolled my eyes at them, "He's not missing out on anything, I'm just not cut out for the drama of a relationship and I'm sure he'll be happy he can go back to hooking up with any girl he wants" I said hoping I didn't sound bitter. "Regardless, I brought over some clothes for you to try on" Taylor just wasn't going to drop it, so I reluctantly agreed. I really didn't have the energy to fight them on this and if I was going to act like I didn't care what everyone thought, I guessed I could at least try to look like I was ok with everything. Taylor carefully selected an outfit for me, a denim skirt that was way too short and a barely there loose white cropped singlet over a hot pink bikini. I looked in the mirror, the outfit wasn't me at all, but then again neither was being gossiped about so what the hell, I kept it on.

We walked to the beach and the closer we got, the more nervous I got, I wanted to find Wesley straight away and tell him that we were done. I replayed my speech over and over in my head, 'I can't do this, I really like you but we shouldn't see each other anymore', simple and straight to the point. I scanned the beach as we hit the sand, I couldn't see him anywhere, maybe he wasn't here yet. "Hey kiddo" I winced recognising Cory's annoying voice, I spun around to see Cory and a couple of her friends standing behind us. Cory extended her hand which held a red cup, "Beer?" she offered it to me. "No thanks", I said, I wasn't planning on having my first drunk experience on the same night as my first break up experience. "Nice outfit" Cory said but I wasn't sure it was actually a compliment. "Too bad you just missed Wesley, he would have liked it I'm sure", she finished and took a big gulp of her beer. Wesley had left already? I panicked, I needed to talk to him, I wondered where he went. Cory seemed to read my mind, "Yea he left with some girl about 10 minutes ago. Man that boy works fast hey?". I shuddered, tears started to well in my eyes, the pain in my chest returned, he really did move fast. I knew he wouldn't be able to handle taking things slow, he had taken a day to find a new girl and couldn't have been at the party more than half an hour before he left with her.

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