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Wesley's POV

Skye had just introduced me as her friend to her mom, now I know it wasn't the most relaxed of settings and she was just covering with her mom but I wasn't thrilled about the idea of just being her friend. Her mom looked at me as if to confirm the friends story, "Just friends" I reiterated, though the words stung a bit as I said them. "You know Skye, you seem to have an awful lot of guy friends come over these days." said her mom, I felt as if I had been punched in the stomach. The thought of Skye cuddling on this same couch, in this same room with other guys was making me feel sick to my stomach, I thought I was the first guy she had dated. Her mom continued, "Is Wesley spending the night like the others". Now I just couldn't breathe, my hands clenched by my sides, I was angry at Skye and jealous of 'the others', how many others I wondered and why were they spending the night, I prayed it wasn't what I thought. I looked at Skye not wanting to believe any of it, she looked panicked, "She's lying, she's lying" she insisted. I heard her mom laugh, "Yea just friends hey", her mom had out smarted us, she had figured us out in a second. And she had made me realise that I didn't want to just be Skye's friend.

Skye apologised about her mom's little trick, I didn't mind, it was kind of funny. I looked down at her, I needed to know if she wanted to be more than friends, "Are we just friends?" I asked, hoping she'd say no. She thought about it for a minute, I was about to prompt her to start talking to me, but before I could she made a joke about not making out with her friends. "To be fair I don't usually make out with anyone", hearing her say this actually filled me with relief, I didn't like the idea of her kissing anyone else and if I could help it she wouldn't be kissing anyone else again, except me of course. What she said next was painful, "Unless you count Lucy's older brother", I sucked in a sharp breath. I knew who Lucy's older brother was, he was a player when he went to HB High, he dated pretty much all the girls in his class and the year below him, he was basically me but 3 years older. I questioned her about it, "Really? You want to start talking about all the people we've made out with because you now know all of mine, your turn" she snapped at me, she was fired up. I liked that she didn't take any of my crap and that she put me in my place, it was sexy as hell. I rolled my eyes in defeat, "Fine, I get it" I said, she would always win this argument, my past was never going to do me any favours.

We walked to the door, it was late and I needed to get home. I gave her a kiss on the cheek before heading back down her driveway. "See you at school tomorrow" I yelled over my shoulder. On the way home I realised I still didn't have her phone number, this was just ridiculous, I laughed to myself, I wanted her to be my girlfriend and I didn't even have her phone number. Once in bed I replayed the night in my head, the jealousy bits weren't fun but the making out was beyond good. I knew I was going to have to be careful because if she came at me like that again, the image of her pushing me on the couch flashed in my mind, I don't know if I'd be able to stop and I couldn't always rely on her telling me if we were going too fast, especially when she thinks it but doesn't say it. I was so used to girls coming onto me and wanting me, I always knew where I stood with them, it was easy, I guess they were easy. I remembered back to when I first realised I liked Skye and how I thought it might just be because she wasn't interested in me. I couldn't be more wrong, it drove me insane thinking that maybe she didn't want me, and when she showed me that she did, that drove me even more insane.

'I hate Thursdays' I thought to myself as I dragged my ass out of bed and into the shower. I stood under the water for a few minutes just letting it rain over me, I could see a lot of cold showers in my future if Skye kept kissing me like she did last night. I got ready for school throwing on a tank, I loved the warmer weather, and grabbing my favourite blue snap back, putting it on backwards before heading downstairs. Keaton was all ready to go so we called goodbye to mom and headed out the front door. "Dude, there's a bonfire on Saturday night, are you going?" he asked me as we walked to school. "Yea man, you and Drew too right?" I was hoping we'd get to hang out and I could introduce them to Skye. He nodded, "I was going to ask Skye to come too" I told him, he smiled. "You really like her", it was more of a question than a statement. I thought about it, I liked everything about her, her eyes, her smile, I blushed thinking of how hot she was. "Big time man" I said honestly, he slapped my back, "Good for you" he finished, acting more like a proud big brother than the often annoying little brother that he was.

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