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Wesley's POV

On the walk back to her house her phone vibrated again, I was still annoyed she wouldn't tell me who was texting her, I was sure it was that Ben guy. I was trying to find out about him subtly, asking questions about all her yogurt shop colleagues. "So how old are they all?", I asked and waited while she listed them off, "Cory is 19, Kelly is about 21 and Ben is 23". "And are they single?" I questioned her. She laughed "Why, are you looking to date Kelly or Cory?". I told her I was asking about Ben, surely she would put it all together that I knew Ben was the one texting her, but instead she made another joke about me dating Ben. I was so annoyed, I couldn't believe she could just keep acting like this when another guy was messaging her right in front of me, I mean I wasn't sure it was a guy but why else wouldn't she tell me who it was. I laid her bike on the grass, I had to say something.

"It works both ways, you know?' Skye blurted out, I had no idea what she was referring to. "Obviously there's something on your mind, so spit it out" she said impatiently. I was about to ask her about Ben, I knew I should give her a chance to explain before I jumped to conclusions, but her phone vibrated again. I watched as she read the text and then smiled, it infuriated me, I didn't even have her number, a fact I bitterly pointed out. She got another text, I could feel my anger building as she replied to Ben. I was about to walk away when she walked over to me and put her arms around my waist, I felt her hands run up my back and my anger started to fade. An image of her and Ben flashed in my mind and my anger was back, "Was that Ben texting you" I snapped, waiting for her to deny it but she didn't. "I'll take your silence as a yes, which means I'm out". I headed back down her driveway, I was so cut that after everything that had happened over the last week, she was doing this to me.

She yelled after me, about how I was accusing her of things and how I was a hypocrite, I stopped, she was right. I had been thinking about the Ben thing all afternoon without saying anything and I never gave her a chance to explain herself. I walked back to her on the doorstep, wondering how she could ever explain, "You made me promise not to kiss other girls but it's ok for you to flirt with other guys?" I spat out, so much for not accusing her. She looked confused, she either had no idea what I was talking about or she was a good actress. Her face changed from confused to mad, uh oh, "That's rich coming from you Wesley. I'm probably going to end up on the end of a long list of girls you can say you've dated and I'm the one catching shit from you?" he words stung, partly because she was throwing my past, which I can't change in my face but mainly because I didn't want her to think she was on any list. It wasn't like that and it was upsetting that she thought it might be. She continued, "You're the only guy I've ever dated so whatever crazy rumour you're basing these accusations on, well it's not true", she was mad. She was so upset by what I said, she had no idea what I was talking about, she thought I had heard a rumour and that's what I was accusing her of. All these thoughts swam through my mind, I wished I had never even said anything, I was acting like a crazy boyfriend, and I wasn't even her boyfriend.

"Ben likes you, you know?" I said wanting to clear up where I was coming from. She shook her head, she didn't see it so I told her that he did and that I was jealous and I jumped to conclusions about the texts. She told me the texts were from her mom and I felt like a jerk, maybe she was right in the beginning, maybe I was a jerk. "I'm so sorry. I guess you're not the only one who's new to this proper dating thing" I apologised. She closed the gap between and softly said, "It really does work both ways you know", I took this as a sign that she had forgiven me and slipped my arms around her waist, wanting her as close as possible. I apologised again, I knew I had messed up by not just telling her what I was thinking. "And I don't just mean with the saying what we're thinking", she continued, "But with the kissing other people thing, I only want to kiss you", my heart skipped a beat, I needed to hear that. She wasn't finished, "And when the time comes, I want to take that next step with you", now my heart was racing. I pulled her in for a hug, she fit perfectly in my arms, I rested my head on the top of her head. "Want to come inside" I heard her say into my chest, I pulled back to look at her not wanting to read too much into the situation. She laughed and confirmed what I suspected, now was not that time.

I followed her inside, she pulled me into the living room, I didn't mind following her, especially in her shorts. I grinned to myself, taking her in, I was pretty lucky and I couldn't believe no one had snapped her up yet. As if to make her more perfect she said, "Doesn't mean we can't make out for a bit though". I spun her to look at me and wasted no time in kissing her, our mouths moving in sync, her tongue finding its way into my mouth, I couldn't get enough of her. I felt her hands reach under the front of my shirt, then swiftly push me and I landed on the couch. She straddled me, holy shit, she was so hot and she was driving me crazy, I could barely breathe but I didn't want to stop for air. She pulled away breathless, I was happy to see she was just as affected by this as I was, but she clearly had something on her mind. "Talk to me" I insisted, looking up into her blue eyes and taking in her gorgeous face, her lips now red and swollen from the make out session. I wanted to pull her back into me and keep kissing her but more than that I wanted to know what she was thinking, I marvelled at how much I had changed. She looked nervous, I braced myself, "I'm not going to be ready for sex for a while" she said it like it was a warning, like she was letting me know so as not to lead me on. If only she knew how much I wanted her, then she would know just how long I would wait for her. I grinned, I wanted to get back to the kissing, "That's fine, this is good" I said as I pulled her back down on top of me, this was more than good.

Breakable (a Wesley Stromberg fan fic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt