Thirty Five

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Skye's POV

It was hot and sweaty in the club, the place was packed out which filled me with pride, they were here to see Emblem3. I could see why they drew such a good crowd, they were amazing and with every line of every song I fell a little bit more in love with Wesley. But with every song they finished I got more and more nervous about later tonight, I wanted to be with Wesley but I was...scared maybe? I looked around at all the girls in the crowd, they made up more than 50% of the audience and I thought about what would have gone down tonight if me and Wesley weren't together. I noticed most of them knew the lyrics to the songs, which meant they had heard them play before and I shuddered wondering if Wesley had slept with any of them. As if he could read my mind he looked over to our table, his eyes meeting mine across the dark club and he winked at me. All my nerves went away, he was so sweet to me and this whole night was exactly how I wanted to remember my first time. I sat watching him with admiration for the last couple of songs, he was so confident up there and his voice was so smooth, it gave me tingles.

"Drew is so hot" Taylor yelled into my ear over the house music that was now playing, as the boys packed up on stage. I rolled my eyes at her, she grinned and hopped of her stool, sauntering over to Drew. Trust Taylor to think that now is the time she should hit on Drew, with all this competition around, I admired her fearlessness. "So, what did you think?" Wesley's voice took me away from my thoughts, I turned on my stool to face him behind me. He waited for me to answer, "You were amazing" I gushed, "Better than amazing" I added. He grinned his big adorable grin, he looked so happy, he also looked hot, both in the literal sweaty sense and in the turning me on way. "I'm going to go grab Taylor and the guys so we can get out of here. I need a shower and then we can all go out or something" Wesley said before disappearing off towards the stage. I wasn't excited by the idea of going out, I wanted to be alone with Wesley, I needed to take control of the situation and for the first time I felt ready to.

When we got back to the hotel I let Wesley go into our room first then grabbed Taylor's arm before she followed him through the door. "Would you mind hanging out with Drew and Keaton for...a while? I asked her sheepishly. She giggled as she nodded, "Thanks" I told her and turned to walk into our hotel room. I felt Taylor slap my butt, "Go get him tiger" she said and then flounced off towards Drew's room. I paused in the doorway, my stomach had butterflies but they weren't from nerves, they were from excitement. I closed the door behind me and watched as Wesley peeled off his shirt and threw it on the floor near his bag. I would never get sick of this sight, I wasn't sure how I was so lucky to get such a sweet boyfriend who was also so hot. "I'll just shower quickly and then we can all go out" he told me as he headed for the bathroom, but I wanted him now. "Wesley" I called out to stop him closing the bathroom door, "Yea" he said re-emerging from the bathroom, looking at me quizzically.

Now or never I thought to myself, "Can you help me unzip my dress first" I asked him while walking to where he was standing, shirtless. I spun around so he could unzip my dress, I pulled my hair over my shoulder and waited while he unzipped it slowly. Everything he was doing made me want him even more, I turned back to face him when he was done. "You truly are amazing you know", I said while taking in his bare chest, shoulders and defined stomach. "I'm glad you liked the show. I'll just be a few minutes and then we can all go celebrate our amazingness?" he said casually not realising I was talking about him and not the show anymore. "I'm not talking about the show" I explained looking up at him, "I'm talking about you" I said placing my hands on his chest. "All of you" I added, hoping I sounded sexy and he understood what I really meant. He looked surprised, like he wasn't sure how to react to my advances, I knew he was worried about pushing things. He took my hands in his and lifted them off his chest, he grinned, "Well let me shower and then we can go celebrate my amazingness". He was being sweet again, and I knew I was going to have to make things a little clearer for him, make it so he couldn't say no.

He disappeared into the bathroom again, I quickly slipped off my dress and kicked it off to the side. I stood as confidently as I could in just my underwear and heels, my heart was pounding in my chest, I heard him turn the shower on. "Wesley" I called again, I heard the water turn off and a few seconds later he reappeared in front of me with just a towel wrapped around his waist. He sucked back a breath when he saw me, his eyes lit up but he still hesitated, "Skye, wh, what, why, are you" he stuttered. I was relieved and glad I was having this affect on him, I took a step forward so we were so close we were almost touching. I leant up to whisper in his ear, the smell of his cologne and sweat was so sexy, "Or we could stay here and celebrate just the two of us?" I murmured. I trailed a line of kisses from his ear, down his neck and along his collar bone, I could taste his sweat on my lips. I looked up at him, he had his eyes closed and I wondered what he was thinking, "Talk to me Wesley" I said softly. He looked down at me with genuine concern on his face, "I want you Skye but I don't want you to do anything you regret, you can't take this back you know", he told me quietly.

I gently grabbed a handful of the towel at his waist, slowly walking backwards to the bed, "I won't regret anything I do with you" I told him. Wesley had no choice but to walk with me, seeing as how I was holding the only thing covering him. When I felt the back of my legs hit the end of the bed I stopped, I kept my hand on his towel and brought myself up to kiss him. I kissed him slowly, keeping it soft and teasing him with my tongue, gently licking his bottom lip, he groaned. I  pulled away slightly, I could tell he was trying to resist, "I want you Wesley", I said, keeping my lips only millimetres away from his. I desperately wanted him to kiss me back, my body was aching for him, I had gotten us to this point but now I really needed him to take the lead. Finally he wrapped one arm around my lower back, pulling me into him, warmth coursing through me as our bare torsos pressed together. He closed the small distance between our lips, kissing me roughly, sending jolt of electricity down my spine. I reached my hands up to his face, not wanting him to pull away, I was so in love with this boy and he was driving me insane.

He inched closer to me, our bodies completely pressed together, Wesley directing my body to sit down on the bed with his. As I sat down he pulled away from the kiss, I was breathless, just sitting there looking up at him thinking how this was perfect. He caressed my cheek with his hand, then moved his hand to the back of my neck, and lowered me back onto the bed as he moved with me so he was hovering above me. I reached my arms around his waist, bringing him down so our bodies were touching again, I didn't want any space between us, not anymore. He searched my eyes, making sure I was ok and hadn't changed my mind, "I want to do this Wesley" I answered his silent question. He grinned that grin that makes my heart skip a beat and instantly his lips were on mine, only briefly as he moved them to my neck. I felt his tongue tracing a line down my neck and then him kissing me along my collarbone and back up my neck. I sighed and arched my body up into his, he reacted by grabbing my hip with his free hand, the other supporting some of his weight above my head. He grasped at my skin and his lips found mine again, his tongue searching my mouth, the kiss was intense.

He broke away from me suddenly, "Are you sure?" he said with a serious expression, I was 100% sure, I loved him and I wanted to make love to him. "I'm sure" I said quietly, reaching back down to his towel, yanking it away and tossing it to the other side of the room. He grinned that grin and then resumed the intense kiss as the hand on my hip slipped under the fabric on the side of my underwear. I felt his hand graze my thigh as he pushed them down, my heart was pounding in my chest, I closed my eyes. I couldn't believe that this was about to happen but more so I couldn't believe I wanted this to happen and with Wesley Stromberg of all people. "I need you to look at me Skye, I need to see you're ok", I heard Wesley insist, causing me to reopen my eyes. He was staring down at me with a loving look on his face, I nodded and he kissed me gently. I knew this was the right time, I grabbed his face and deepened the kiss as he slipped his arm underneath me and pulled me up into him, this felt right.

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