Thirty Two

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Wesley's POV

"Hey" I heard Skye's voice from behind me as I was getting my science book out of my locker, I tensed up. I really didn't want to speak to her and I definately didn't want to see her, because I knew the sight of her would make me want to forgive her. But I wasn't ready to forgive her, I was the one that always had to put myself out there, the one to not let things escalate, the one who only thought about her while she planned dates with other guys. I turned around slowly, knowing that seeing her at some point today was inevitable but when I saw her face I wished I hadn't. She looked tired and upset and all I wanted to do was hug her but I stayed strong and averted my eyes from hers. "Wesley, we need to talk, please" her voice was soft, "Like you talked to me about Ben?" I said calmly though inside I was livid. The image of Ben's smug little face as he congratulated himself on dating my girl flashed in my mind, I would punch him in the face if I saw him. She looked hurt by what I said but I was hurting too, there had been a pain in my chest all night. I had barely gotten any sleep, I hadn't been able to think about anything else other than what would have happened if I hadn't stopped us yesterday or if I had never seen those texts from Ben. Would she have slept with me? Would she have ended up going on the date with Ben?

Skye was pleading with me to talk to her and although I hated seeing her upset, I had no desire to hear what she had to say. I never thought I would ever prefer it when didn't talk to me but now here we are, so I told her that and headed for science. I could tell that Skye was distracted as I watched her work on the bench in front of me. I hated that I still even wanted to watch her and make sure she was ok, I felt bad for her when she smashed a beaker with in the first few minutes of class. "Detention after school Skye" Mr Mattison barked at her, it made me remember the last time she had gotten detention, the time I had taken it for her. I knew back then that there was something special about her, she wasn't like all the girls at school, maybe the fact that she would break my heart was what separated her from them. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I retrieved it and saw a message from Skye asking for me to talk to her but it was a bit late for talking now. I put my phone away and opened my notebook, at times like this I found writing to be pretty useful to sort out my thoughts and clear my head. Often general musings from the pages of this book would end up in our songs, if there was any silver lining in the situation it was that pain made for some killer lyrics.

"Are you ever going to talk to me?" it was Skye's voice saying these words, loudly. I jerked my head up to find her staring intently at me, I was stunned, I didn't know how to respond. I was very aware we were in class and she was making a bit of a scene, I surveyed the room and all eyes were on us. She would regret getting into this here when she realised all the gossip it would fuel, so I just focussed my attention back on my notebook. I heard Mr Mattison threaten Skye with another detention, I didn't like that she was getting in trouble at school, I wasn't sure if college's looked at your detention records but if they did I didn't want her to have too many. I silently promised myself to talk to her at lunch, well not talk but listen to what she had to say, so she could go back to being the quiet, studious type. I kept scribbling away in my notebook, trying to distract myself from the image of Skye's sad face when I had ignored her just now.

A quick flash of something caught the corner of my eye and then I heard a loud smash, I looked up to see Skye turning back to face her bench. Then I looked down at the pile of broken glass at my feet, had Skye just knocked this off our bench, what was she thinking, was she actually trying to get herself another detention. Mr Mattison was at our bench demanding to know who was responsible, I stated quiet, I was mad but I wasn't about to rat her out. I saw Skye turn to face our bench, I prayed she would just keep her mouth shut, Mr Mattison couldn't blame anyone if he didn't know who did it. I was completely thrown by what she said next, "Oh no, did you break another beaker Wesley? At least you've only broken two this year, this is my fifth" she sounded innocent but I knew she was lying. Mr Mattison immediately gave me detention, was she trying to punish me for ignoring her, and despite everything I still couldn't bring myself to tell Mr Mattison the truth. She just turned back to her bench and finished out the lesson like nothing had happened, and she practically sprinted out of the room when the bell went.

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