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Wesley's POV

I didn't want to drop Skye home, I wanted to spend more time with her but she had work and I had to get some sleep. I was so tired after all the drama leading up to the weekend and then add in the show and the amazing events with Skye after the show, and again this morning, I was exhausted. I hopped out of the car when we pulled up to her house to help her get her bag out of the trunk, and carried it to her front door. She had been quiet on the car ride home but I figured she was tired, I didn't envy her having to work an eight hour shift in a couple of hours. She stopped before going inside, "I had a great weekend Wesley" she said to me, which I was more than happy to hear. I took her hands in mine, linking our fingers as I stepped closer to her and lowering my lips to meet hers. I kissed her softly, "Me too" I mumbled before kissing her again. 'Hooooooooonk', we were interrupted by the sound of the car horn, I turned to see Drew leaning over from the backseat to the steering wheel. Skye laughed, they were impatient and just wanted to get home, "I have to get these fools home. I'll text you later" I said before swiftly kissing her on the cheek and dashing back to the car.

"I am soooooooooo tired" Keaton complained when we got home, and he headed straight to his room. Drew made his way into the kitchen and started making himself some food, I followed him and sat down on a stool at the counter. "Last night was epic" I said to Drew as he began putting together a sandwich, he shot me a confused look, "I thought you said you and Skye didn' know". "I meant the show dude", I grinned, "Are you ever not thinking about sex?" I asked him jokingly. He gave it some thought and shook his head, "Music and sex. What else do you need?" he said mockingly, I knew he was joking, sort of. "But you and Skye seem happy, I'm happy for you" he added in a serious tone, as he sat down at the stool next to me. I blushed a little, "Yea man, I am happy, it's insane actually", I didn't really like talking about this stuff, it was all very new to me. Drew was wolfing down his sandwich, "I'm going to go get some sleep" I told him before grabbing my bag and heading up to my room.

I flopped down on my bed and closed my eyes, I was insanely happy, I thought to myself. I had never really wanted a girlfriend, sure I had 'dated' a few girls but it was never very serious and it never lasted very long. Everything felt different with Skye though, I would never treat her the way I had treated some girls in the past, I didn't even want her to find about that let alone experience it. I felt a wave of guilt come over me, I had been so immature and selfish, never really thinking about anyone but myself, especially not the girls I was sleeping with. I thought about Skye for a while, the image of her made me smile and all I wanted was for her to be happy and safe. I remembered back to the beach party with Brad, my fists clenched and my eyes flew open, I hated this memory. I knew I never wanted her to get hurt or to hurt her, and I immediately wanted to text her to tell her I loved her. I glanced at the clock, she would have just started her shift at the yogurt shop so I would wait until she finished to text her. She was working until 10pm and I realised the idea of her riding home alone that late didn't thrill me. I set the alarm on my phone for 9:30pm then crawled up to my pillow, falling asleep within seconds of my head hitting it.

'Beep, beep, beep' the sound of the alarm on my phone woke me with a start, my room was dark and I wondered what time it was. I fumbled on the bed for my phone, eventually grabbing it and bringing it to my face, the bright light blinding me. It was 9:30pm, why had I set it for then, Skye, I wanted to walk her home. My thoughts quickly caught up, I slid off the bed, put on my shoes, grabbed my skateboard and headed downstairs. I flew along the road on my board, there were very few cars out this late on a Sunday, the cool night air whipped my face. I came to an abrupt stop a few shops down from the yogurt shop, picked up my board and walked, it was only 9:43pm so I had a little bit of time to kill. As I approached the big glass windows of the yogurt shop that faced the street I could see Ben inside, I could feel the anger building inside of me, I hated this guy almost as much as I hated Brad. Then I took a few more steps and I could see Skye, her back was to me as she leaned on the counter, but just the sight of her made me feel good.

I watched as Ben took steps closer to her, I didn't like where this was going but I trusted Skye. Ben was clearly telling her something important, he had a serious look on his face and I started to feel anxious. I knew Ben hated me because of how I had treated his sister, hell I hated me for how I treated his sister but I couldn't change it now. Ben just kept talking and eventually Skye doubled over, I panicked, I had no idea why she had or what he had said but I had to get inside to her. I raced along the window to the door but as I went to pull it open I saw Ben place his hands on Skye's shoulders and Skye straighten to look at him. I froze momentarily as Ben pulled Skye into a hug, I silently prayed for her to push him away or something but she didn't. I felt as if I had been punched in the stomach, I tried not to jump to conclusions but then she rested her head on his chest and it was unbearable to watch. Another guy had his arms around the girl that I loved and she seemed fine with it, I wanted to storm in there and punch Ben in the face but I was more hurt by Skye than mad at him.

I looked down, not wanting to see anymore but not wanting to leave, the idea that this might escalate from a hug killed me. I knew Ben had a thing for her and I had made it pretty clear to Skye that he did, so she should know this wasn't ok. I sucked in a deep breath and tried to regain my composure, I'm sure they are just friends, I told myself, you need to trust Skye. I raised my eyes back to where they were standing inside, every single thought I had about trusting Skye flew out of my body, Ben was holding her face and leaning down to kiss her. She didn't move, she didn't pull away, she just let him kiss her. My heart felt crushed inside my chest, I was watching another guy kiss my girlfriend and she did nothing to stop it. Pain spiked through my chest, I backed away from the window and into the street, I couldn't even think straight. Not even 12 hours ago we were in a hotel room together, it was the happiest I had ever been and now she was here kissing Ben.

I barely remember walking home, I had been so distracted by the thoughts that I had been played, that she didn't love me, that she was seeing Ben, that I had this coming. Now I was laying on my bed and I was still thinking all of those things as I looked up at my ceiling. This wasn't like the time she 'accidentally' agreed to a date with Ben, she kissed him, she cheated on me and there was no way she would do that if she felt the same way about me as I did about her. The idea of cheating on her and hurting her like that made me feel sick to my stomach, I would never do it. The fact that she had done it to me cut me so deep, my chest was physically aching and my mind began to think about what happened between them after I left tonight. That crap thought was interrupted by my phone ringing, I brought it up to my face and saw it was Skye that was calling. I didn't know whether to answer it or not, would she admit what she had done, would she pretend like it hadn't happened, did I want to hear her out, what good reason would she have for cheating on me? I thought about all of these things and eventually my phone stopped ringing as the call went to voicemail. Not even 5 seconds later my phone was ringing again, it was Skye and I realised I didn't want to speak to her, I pressed the ignore button, this was too much. Every time I get to a point where I am completely happy with this girl something comes along and crushes me, I can't keep doing this to myself, I was right when I said I didn't want a girlfriend.

My phone vibrated indicating I had a text message, I opened it to see it was from Skye, 'Wesley, I really need to speak to you. Can you call me please'. I deleted her text message, I knew I had gotten mad at her for doing the same thing to me but at least I read hers first. I sat there for a while not knowing what to do next, I was done with having a girlfriend, it only seemed to end up with me getting my heart smashed. My phone rang again but I ignored it, then it vibrated with another text from Skye asking me to call her, but I was done listening to her, she could talk all she wanted now, I had no interest in hearing what she had to say anymore. Regardless of everything she had ruined, I still wanted to do the right thing and not just ignore her so I sent her a text back, 'Please don't call me or text me anymore. We are done'. I figured she'd realise I had seen her at the yogurt shop kissing Ben, I didn't feel like I needed to explain anymore why I we were over. This whole situation was so messed up, I locked my phone and threw it across my bedroom, watching it smash against the wall. I was so angry at Skye for ruining everything, I was so hurt by what she did, but mostly I couldn't believe that she had broken my heart.

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