Twenty Seven

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Skye's POV

I pedalled to school as fast as I could, I was eager to see Lucy and Taylor, update them on everything that happened yesterday morning. I knew their heads would explode but I had to tell someone and I wasn't ready to tell my mum, plus she'd probably be furious he spent the night while she was away. I wondered what would be the topic of conversation at school today, surely someone had done something more news worthy at the beach party than me sleeping with Wesley. I silently hoped we'd been bumped off the gossip radar and that everyone will have just moved on and I can go back to being boring. I locked my bike up when I reached school and headed in towards my locker. A couple of girls were whispering, and weren't very subtle that it was about me, I just ignored them. I reached my locker and overhead a few other girls talking about how I'd hooked up with Brad at the beach and Wesley had seen, gotten jealous and stormed off. It was so weird how these stories morphed into completely inaccurate recounts of what actually happened. One of the girls was Amber, she was one of the girls trying to get info out of me last week about the cafeteria fight, "Sorry to hear about you and Wesley breaking up" she said, sounding completely insincere. I had enough of all this gossip, I realised it wasn't going to go away anytime soon, especially not when Wesley was part of it. "Oh, we didn't break up. No, he said the sex is way too good for him to leave me", I snapped. I couldn't believe the words came out of my mouth, I regretted it but I was also pretty impressed with myself. If they were going to spread petty gossip they may as well have something juicy to lie about, I winked at them, turned on my heels and walked off to class.

I didn't have any classes with Lucy, Taylor or Wesley this morning, so when the bell went signalling the start of lunch I was excited to get to the cafeteria. I pushed open the doors and scanned the gathering masses of kids, no sign of any of them. My phone vibrated in my pocket, I pulled it out, it was a text from Wesley. 'Meet me in the music room', I blushed, maybe he was going to let me hear some of his music. I almost skipped to the music room, the idea of seeing him do what he's so passionate about made me happy. I flung open the doors, it was fairly dark inside but I saw him sitting on a chair at the back of the room. "What's up Wesley?" I sang out to him, I was in such a good mood today. As I got closer I could see he didn't look happy, my stomach churned, I guess he wasn't going to play me anything. My expression became sombre, to match his, "Seriously, what's up?" I said kneeling down in front of the chair. He sighed and began talking, not looking at me, "I am going to tell you, but you have to swear you will stay and talk to me". I panicked, what had he done, why was he setting me up like he was about to crush me. "I swear Wesley, now just tell me", I rushed my words, I had no idea what it could be. He finally brought his eyes up to look into mine, my heart fluttered as his brown eyes searched mine.

"There is a rumor going around school that I am with you for the sex", he grimaced waiting for me to react. "I swear Skye, I swear I never said anything like that to anyone", he sounded so sincere. I giggled, it hadn't taking long for my comments this morning to reach him. He looked at me confused, "You're not mad?" he asked quietly. I felt bad for him, I should have given him some kind of warning I guess, "No" I started. Would he be mad at me for losing my cool and compounding the gossip, I wondered. "There were some girls gossiping near my locker today, they said they were sorry we broke up", I looked down at my hands. "I just snapped, I wasn't even thinking. I told them you said you would never leave me because the sex is so good", I felt myself turning red. He let out a laugh, I looked up to see that big grin of his that I love so much. Phew, he wasn't mad, "I got to say Skye, I'm not thrilled people are still talking about us, but this reaction is way better than the one where you didn't speak to me" he told me. He stood up and reached his hand down to me, he pulled me up and into him in one motion, I crashed into his chest and looked up at him. I smiled, I didn't care what everyone was saying, I was happy. "Let's go get some food" I said, "I'm starving" and with that I turned led him to the cafeteria.

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