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Skye's POV

It was Wednesday, I laid in my bed after switching off my alarm, thinking that this same time one week ago I had no interest in Wesley Stromberg, and then he took my detention in science first period and everything changed. I rolled onto my stomach and buried my head in my pillow, screaming into it all my excitement and fear. I was excited to see Wesley today, I was curious to see what all the fuss was about with these boys that Taylor loved so much and the prospect of kissing him again gave me butterflies. But I was afraid that I would get too caught up in the drama or neglect my school work or get my heartbroken or do something stupid or a combination of all of these things, the thought made me queasy. I shook my head, clearing it of any thoughts other than getting ready for school, I looked out my window, it looked sunny today and I resigned myself to the fact that it was now officially summer and I'd have to retire my jeans. I skipped breakfast thanks to an unsettled stomach, threw on some denim shorts, a singlet and vans, dashed outside, hopped on my bike and pedalled as fast as possible to school.

I felt sick as I approached my locker, Taylor was waiting for me to walk me to science and I knew I had to tell her about the third Wesley kiss scenario. I wrenched open my locker and pulled out my science book, "What, no comment about my inappropriate school attire", she asking smirking at me. "I kissed Wesley again last night", I just blurted out, her face changed to a look of shock. "What does this mean?" she asked me in a whisper, I shrugged, I really didn't know what it meant officially. I wanted to tell her that he agreed to not to kiss other girls but I felt like advertising that might set myself up for embarrassment later if he didn't stick to his promise. "Well don't look now but here comes lover boy", she gushed at me, while looking over my shoulder. I tensed, what was I supposed to do, turn around and talk to him seemed like the correct answer but my feet refused to budge.

"Hey Wes" Taylor said to the approaching Wesley who I could hear walking up behind me. "Hey Taylor" he said as he stopped right next to me, then turning his attention to me. "Morning" he said as he leaned down and kissed me on the cheek, all the tension rushed out of my body, I could do this. "Hey" I replied turning to look up at him, as I did noticing he was a little sun burnt on his cheeks. I reached up and lightly brushed his cheek, "Caught a little sun did we?" I joked, he grinned, "Yea, me and Drew went skating this morning, the sun must have been stronger than I thought". We made our way to the science lab, Wesley stopping at the door to let me and Taylor walk in first, Taylor winked at me, I knew she would tell Lucy and I would never hear the end of how cute Wesley's manners were. He was charming though, I thought as we set up for today's experiment, I remembered just a week ago I thought he was a jerk. I placed a beaker down on the end of our bench, but it was quickly pushed towards the centre of the table. I looked up to see Wesley standing there, he grinned at me, "This is probably safer away from the edge" he gestured towards the beaker he had just moved. I flashed him a quick smile and focused my attention back on the experiment, science is not a time to be distracted I silently scolded myself.

The bell went signalling the end of class, I groaned thinking of how me and Lucy had a double period of gym leading up to lunch. I felt a hand on my back as I exited the lab, I turned to see Wesley looking down at me with his sexy brown eyes, "See you at lunch?", he asked and I nodded my reply. When I entered the locker room I knew Lucy wasn't up to speed with my new, ummm, situation, with Wesley. I rushed through a brief summary of last night and this morning, leaving out any romantic gestures that would send her head spinning. We spent the next two periods sitting on the edge of the indoor basketball court talking about Wesley and polishing trophies from the schools trophy cabinet, man I love Mrs Foley and her obscure tasks I can't really mess up with.

After we had changed back into our regular clothes Lucy and I headed to the cafeteria, I got butterflies as I walked in but I was expecting them. I scanned to see if Wesley was here yet, he wasn't so I went about purchasing some lunch, an apple, a bag of chips and a bottle of water. I was about to pay when a hand appeared out of nowhere and dropped some cash into the waiting hand of the cafeteria staff. "Your table or mine?" I knew his voice without looking. I spun around to find Wesley right behind me, "You didn't have to do that you know" I said gesturing towards the register, he smiled, "I wanted to" he replied looking down at me with those sexy brown eyes and  for a second I forgot we were in the cafeteria at school. I leaned up and kissed him softly on his lips, I just couldn't help it, what with how hot he looked today, the sweet gesture with the beaker earlier and now buying me lunch, I was smitten. He pulled away gently, he looked quickly around the large room, I panicked wondering if he was checking that no one saw us kiss. I was suddenly very embarrassed, I looked down at my hands that were clutching my lunch tray, maybe I wasn't supposed to do that, I mean we weren't officially dating, I wondered what we were, friends who kiss, but just not in the cafeteria, maybe?

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