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A/N: hi!

so this is the collection of all the deleted scenes from when i was writing this book.

some of these i wrote just for fun even though i knew from the start that they wouldn't make the cut and some others i wrote and realized they didn't really feel right so they ended up being discarded.

anyway, all of these scenes are from all over the place but i've done my best to put them in somewhat of a chronological order.

and before each scene i'll just out a lil' note saying at what point in the story this scene occurred

but the main thing i wanna say is NONE OF THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED IN THE BOOK. i know it sounds pretty stupid that i have to say that in the deleted scenes chapter, but i know someone is gonna think this is part of the book and get confused so i just wanna put that out there.

last thing, beware that some of the scenes end really abruptly without any closure bc i just stopped writing it so don't get your hopes up lol



this scene occurred at the beginning of the book, when she was still going through those files about her parents and after Coach Ross was murdered. this scene might have occurred bc it doesn't really disrupt the storyline, but it's basically about how she met rhodey

When she got back to the Tower that day, there was someone else there, sitting at the island.

Adelaide recognized him as James Rhodes or 'Rhodey' as Tony always called him. He was one of Tony's closest friends and the most sensible, in her opinion. He was having a conversation with Tony and the two men didn't notice the teenager as she slipped into her room.

Adelaide sat down at her desk, tossing her backpack to the side. She flipped open her laptop and typed in 'Byron Ross' into the search bar of her school's website. The result showed a page talking about his job at Midtown Middle and a couple of pictures.

Nothing important or useful.

Adelaide sighed, slumping back in her seat. She felt restless and she knew the only way to cure it would be to find out what happened to him. Adelaide knew the NYPD knew more than they let on, but how was she supposed to find out what they were hiding? There was a reason they were hiding it. 

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and Adelaide slammed her laptop shut. To her surprise, it was Rhodey who walked in. 

"Hi," he said gently, "Can I come in?"

She nodded and he sat down at the foot of her bed, quietly closing the door behind himself.

For a moment, the two of them were silent and Rhodey just looked around the room. Although it had almost been two months since she woke up here, Adelaide hadn't let herself get too settled.

Her room was bland – there was nothing in here that indicated that it could be her room. The teenager loved it here, but she always held this feeling that she might have to pack up and leave as quickly as possible. It sounded ridiculous, but considering the situation, anything could happen. There wasn't much that she owned anyway besides the clothes that she was wearing when she got here. If it did come to that, leaving would be even easier than coming.

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