Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: I KNOW I'M LATE BUT THIS CHAPTER IS ALMOST 10,000 WORDS LONG so maybe that makes up for it? God, I am so super late and I literally feel like I haven't uploaded in like a month. It feels weird, to be honest. I've become so attached to this story it like second nature to write in every free moment I get.

But I've been so busy this week with a ton of stuff that I don't remember doing and also re-watching Friends. So maybe not that busy. Speaking of watching, I watched The Spy Who Dumped Me yesterday and can I just say how amazing it was? I totally support feminism and this movie had two totally badass female leads which was just FIRE. I'm not gonna spoil anything incase any of you plan on watching it, but I will say if you're not planning on watching it, you uh, totally should. Because its amazing.

I just realized I still need to watch Incredibles 2. And school's starting in two weeks. Honestly, did summer 2018 even happen? I feel like I was in school like only a month ago even though it's been three.

Anyway, let's talk about this chapter because this honestly feels like such a bomb ass chapter (I'm like in a really, really good mood. I'm sure you can tell from the language lol). A TON happened. Obviously because it's 9,000 words long. Sorry I can't stop bragging because I've never written chapters this long. Usually, they'd be about a 1,000 words max. And that's if you're lucky. So I've tried turning that around for this story and now I get to brag.

So where's Adelaide in this? Well, I honestly don't remember where I left her last. Was she drinking beer? At 13! Am I going to snitch about this to Pepper? We'll see, we'll see...I keep getting distracted. Anyway, this chapter was SO FUCKING HARD TO WRITE.

It's so emotional and it was a real challenge for me to keep track of all the emotions and reactions and dramatic moments. We can't have a story without all that. Especially if it's Marvel. So this chapter is where Adelaide makes her debut I'm not telling her superhero name yet.

You'll just have to wait and see. It'll probably be in the next chapter. I don't know. We'll see. But I'm really excited for because I think the name sounds sick.

Anyway, because of the...event in this chapter, Adelaide kind of grows up maturity wise. I mean, I know that no one walked away from the Battle of Sokovia unscathed and I don't want Adelaide to be any different. She going to have this trauma hanging over her head and at least some form of PTSD to deal with afterwards. I want her to grow, but she's still a teenager so don't worry about her becoming serious all the time.

And the huge thing I have planned for Civil War will definitely require her to be a lot more mature. Of course, there are going to be other things that do the job as well but this will kind of help her become her own person as well. She doesn't remember who she was before she woke up at the Tower in the first chapter and she's created this image of herself in her mind where she's a terrible person because of all the abilities she has and this chapter kind of lets her feel okay with that.

She makes a new identity for herself as Adelaide Rivers, the girl to who saved lives in the Battle of Sokovia. It's all very intense, you'll see.

Also, remember how Adelaide hated Wanda? Well, I want them to be like best friends so this chapter is a lot about that. One day, they'll be looking back and laughing at the time when Adelaide wanted to kill her.

Ah, Marvel friendships. If you didn't want to hate your bestfriend at some point, are they even your bestfriend?

I feel like there was more I wanted to say, but I really want to get this chapter to you guys and I think I've rambled enough lol.

"The city is in the air,

we're already

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