Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A/N: I have good news and bad news.

Bad news first: The next couple of updates are probably going to be as late as this one because I, unfortunately, have final exams coming up.


Also good news: Once the semester is over, hopefully, updates will be much faster and you guys won't hate me as much. :)

Alright so quick recap: Last chapter, Peter, Adie, and Ned were supposed to hang out but Peter didn't show up and Adie got super mad. Like SUPER SUPER mad.

Alright, so I don't have much else to say, but I will give you this: Chapter 29 is a verrrryyyyy specialllll chapter ;) ;) ;)

"You live in the Stark Tower,

smart genes should be floating

in your direction all the time."

Peter waved Uncle Ben goodbye and lingered around until his car pulled out of the drop-off lane at the school. Then he turned around and made his way towards the school, looping his thumbs under his backpack strap. It was unusually cold today, he noticed.

Peter looked upwards. As usual, there was so sun, but the sky was filled with dark clouds which Peter hoped was snow and not rain. The more snow, the better. That way school would cancelled. Then again, he hadn't really tested his web shooters in below freezing conditions. It would be a good time to test that out.

Rubbing his hands together to warm them up, Peter walked inside the school. Instantly, he was greeted with warmth and he let out a breath. He checked his watch, he still had a good 10 minutes until he was supposed to be in his seat for his first class of the day. Peter looked around the room, but he couldn't find Ada or Ned anywhere. That's strange. They were usually here before him. Scratch that, they were always here before him.

"Hey Parker," Flash said, coming up from behind him. He patted his shoulder with a little more force than necessary.

"Listen," Flash started, "about our...argument last week. I say we just put it behind us and forget about the whole thing. What do you think, Parker?"

He squeezed Peter's shoulder, trying to hurt him subtly. Peter realized that a few people were actually watching this conversation so he put up a nervous smile.

"Yeah," he said through gritted teeth, "Sure, Flash."

Once again, Flash patted his shoulder a little harder than was necessary. With a fake, bright smile, he left. As soon as he was out of sight, Peter rubbed his shoulder, rolling it around. He had a feeling that Flash wasn't going to be as friendly as he was acting. At least, that's what his shoulder told him. He was going to have to be more careful.

As he looked around again, he still couldn't see Ada or Ned anywhere. It was almost time for class and the hallway was getting emptier. Where were they? And then, he heard them. Well, her at least. What a coincidence that there was no one left in the hallway to save him.


Peter hadn't realized that it was Ada who was yelling at him until she shoved him. Caught off guard, he stumbled backwards a bit. Peter watched his friend heaving with anger, trying to piece together what was going on.


"Where the hell were you last night?! Do you know how many times I texted you? Called you? Peter, I filled your entire voicemail box and sent you 258 messages which you still haven't answered! We were supposed to watch a movie. The three of us. And you had promised! What the hell was so important that you couldn't come and be yourself for one night? What's gotten into you? You didn't even read any of my texts! I had to call Uncle Ben to ask him where the hell his nephew was and you know what? He had no idea either! So you lied to everyone and disappeared and have the audacity to look surprised that I'm mad at you?"

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