Chapter Twenty-Four

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A/N: I made it! I'm actually on time! Btw, I wrote this chapter in two days since I was so late with the last one, I wanted this one to be on time so I could get back in my timeline. Surprisingly, I didn't lose any sleep over it. Ya girl got 12 hours of sleep last night. I cannot remember that happened last time. The last time I got a really good sleep was back in the womb so it's been a while.

ANYway, moving on...

THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER WHERE PETER IS PLAIN OLD PETER PARKER AND I'M FREAKING OUT BECAUSE I'M GONNA MISS MY PETER BABY WHYYYY. I actually, genuinely feel sad, and I just want Peter to stay good ol' Peter Parker forever so nothing bad happens to anyone. I almost don't want to write it, but what can you do. A girl's gotta eat. Lol just kidding, I'm not making any money off of this, just good vibes. *peace sign* Before we stop being emotional, I just wanna say that this chapter is the last time that Pete's gonna push his glasses up and I'M GONNA MISS WRITING THAT HABIT. WHY AM I CRYING,.

Okay, so before the dam breaks, I just wanna say something about this plot. So I noticed that a lot of other fanfics start with the part where Peter's already Spider-Man and I think that's great, but the reason that Adie didn't start off there was because I felt like she should get to know the dorky Peter Parker before he turned into Spider-Man because I feel like those two Peter Parkers are different people, you know? Anyway, I just really wanted Adie to get to know him first and then even be there through his transition and all the hard times and defining moments so she doesn't seem really shallow. Again, I'm not trying to step on other fanfics, I just felt like I needed to express this for some reason and it's all just my personal opinion. I mean, we've kind of started to see how Adie is low-key jealous of Liz even though she doesn't realize that it's not because of her skirts (although, it kind of is?) but because Peter likes her and anyway it's gonna take a lonnggggggggggggggggg time for her to finally realize that and I think it takes her a longer time since Peter changes so much after he becomes Spider-Man and it's like she has to get to know Peter all over again. So it's still a way down the road, but I kinda just wanted to explain the reason why I set this fanfic so early in the timeline. And this is kind of like a tribute to our old Peter Parker who I'm dearly going to miss writing.

A final toast, to our dorky non-Spider-Man Peter Parker.

"I...I don't know.

This is the first time

I've ever hacked into HYDRA before."

The whole ride home, Adelaide was a nervous wreck, driving Happy crazy as she kept tapping her foot nonstop. He was just as relieved as her when they arrived at the Tower. In an instant, the teenager was out of the car and inside the building. Frantically, she jumped into the elevator and pressed the top floor button to the point of abuse until the elevator finally began moving. For a moment, she tried to control her breathing, wrapping her arms around herself.

Was Ned already here? Did he already know something? What was it? What did he know? Oh God, what if it was an ugly truth? What if all of the terrible things that she thought about her past were actually true? She swallowed, her throat dry. How long did it take a damn elevator to get to the top floor?

What seemed like hours later, she arrived at the penthouse and the elevator doors opened. Adelaide stumbled out, her eyes scanning the room for Ned. Instead, she saw Pepper sitting on the couch, looking at the teenager strangely.

"Hey Adelaide," she said, "You up for some tv?"

Adelaide barely heard what she was saying.

"No...I, uh...Ned. Here. Have you seen Ned?" she stuttered, barely managing to get all of the words out. Pepper raised an eyebrow.

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