Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A/N: I'm a little late, I know. There's just a lot going on and I can only find like 10 maybe 15 minutes a day to write this? So, not a lot, obviously. Next chapter might (no promises) be up by Sunday, it's gonna be pretty short and directly to the point, kinda like this one. So what happened in the last chapter? Um, I think they got access to the HYDRA files (thanks to Vision and his eavesdropping skills) and then Tony offered Ned to eat fried monkey eyes. Gross. Thankfully, he was only joking. I hope.

Now about this chapter. Well, you guys will definitely get to see what's in the files so yay *little happy dance*. It's about time ya'll get more information about her parents because it's definitely been a while since last time. Wasn't the last time during chapter 2? Yikes. It has been a while. Don't worry, there's gonna be a lot more of them in the next few chapters. I think. Honestly, even I don't know what's going on so good luck. Just kidding, lol. I have *crosses fingers* everything figured out.

I'm sure you guys have all heard about the passing of Stan Lee. It is absolutely tragic to see a man, a real-life superhero leave us. I obviously didn't know Mr. Lee personally but I really wish I had gotten the chance to because he seemed like an amazing person. He has changed just so, so many lives that I can't even fathom. He might have left this world, but he will never leave our minds and hearts. He has left behind a huge legacy that his fans will carry on and never let die because he deserves nothing less. Nothing other than respect and love for the incredibly amazing Stan Lee. Thank you for everything. May you rest in peace knowing that you have turned this world into a better place.


– In loving memory of Stan Lee, 1922 – 2018

For the next two nights, Adelaide had barely gotten any sleep. She wouldn't be lying if she said that she hadn't slept at all in two days. With the curiosity burning inside of her like a hot flame, there was no way she could sleep. She wanted to read everything in those files and learn as much as she possibly could as fast as she possibly could. This was what she had been waiting for this whole time.

Whenever her eyes would start to droop, she would silently pad into the kitchen and make herself a cup of coffee, taking it back to her room. Adelaide had done her best to keep Tony and Pepper from finding out about her lack of sleep. She couldn't get away with much around Pepper so Adelaide had decided that it would be best if she locked herself in her room with the plain excuse of homework. Maybe it wasn't the best of excuses, but it had worked for the past two days and Adelaide needed maybe only two more to finish going through all of the files.

Once she had gotten through her father's journal (which revealed no information about his purpose for building a particle accelerator), Adelaide had trekked through all of the files from A to D. The files with the D label were the media, meaning pictures and videos, but they mostly consisted of videos.

Adelaide had only been able to watch one video. The moment her father's face appeared on the screen, something had opened up inside of her and she had to spend an hour just to calm herself down.

Adelaide's cursor hovered over the first video from file D. She took a shaky breath.

Back in January, she had had a memory about her parents. It was the one where they had been murdered, but it was the only recollection that she had until now. Now, she had all these videos of her parents and she wanted to burn them into her memory forever. It wasn't as if she had any other memories to remember them by and someone had completely erased their existence off the face of the earth. Including Adelaide herself, until she had appeared at the Tower almost a year ago. Everything only seemed to get more and more confusing from that first moment.

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