Chapter Twenty-Five

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A/N: I know this is a little late, but I've been drowning is essays all week long and no matter how fast I finish my work, I can never actually finish, if that makes sense lol. I would've uploaded it yesterday, but I forgot and it was 12:30 so I made sure to not forget today. Technically it's almost tomorrow lol. Anyway, enough about my sob story.

So remember how I said last chapter was the last time Peter was going to push his glasses up? Well, I lied. I'm sorry, but I just can't help it! That little action is so cute for some reason and I love it so much even though it gets on Adelaide's nerves. I think he ends up doing it like 5 times in this chapter so just bear with me because I have no self-control. This will be the last chapter where he does that, I promise. Well, not promise promise.

Most of this chapter is the scene from the field trip and the whole HYDRA things has been kind of put on hold for now. Well, let's just say Ned's working on it. The chapter is mostly focused on Peter because it's so important to his development, obviously. He's gonna be Spider-Man now. No more superpowerless Peter Parker. I'm gonna miss him, though. I wish he could stay that way forever. Innocent and shielded from the horrors of the superhero world. All that responsibility...

So I have a question for you guys...I actually saw another author doing this and I thought it was a pretty neat idea so I guess I'm going to start doing this, too. Basically, I'll ask you a question about the chapter or plot or just stuff in general I guess cause I think it'll be kind of fun to see your answers. Depending on the chapter, the question will be either before or after. So here's the one for this chapter:

If you could have one superpower from any character in the MCU, which character and what superpower would it be? For me, I'd say Scarlet Witch because I love her and I love her powers and I love Elizabeth Olsen; she's so beautiful it hurts.

Anyway, enough of all this, I won't hold off the chapter any longer so here it is! By the way, it hasn't really been proofread and the next chapter might be a little late too because I have stuff going on this weekend. Sorry. :/

"Everything is going to change, Peter.

Nothing is ever going

to be the same again."

DECEMBER 1, 2015

The day did not start out as Peter Parker had planned. His alarm didn't ring on time and he realized he only had five minutes to leave the house before he would miss the bus so he had to substitute a shower with just a splash of cold water (thank god he had decided to shower last night). He had been in a such a rush that he had almost left the camera at home and he had to run out of the car and back inside, up the stairs and back outside, all within 15 seconds. Then, he had to rush Ben to go faster (he only went ten over the speed limit) so they would get to school before the bus left for the field trip.

"Bye Uncle Ben!" Peter shouted over his shoulder as he stumbled out of his uncle's car.

"Bye kiddo! Have fun!" Ben shouted after him. He watched his nephew as he ran towards the school bus, almost tripping over the raised sidewalk. He chuckled to himself, shaking his head.

Peter held onto his backpack as he ran towards the school bus. He was just seconds away when it began moving.

"Wait!" he shouted. That caught Flash's attention who was sitting in the back. He began laughing and everyone in the bus started chanting Penis! Parker! Peter groaned at his insufferable nickname, trying to catch up to the bus. Suddenly, he saw Ada appear next to Flash and Peter waved at her, signaling to tell her to stop the bus. She gave him a small nod, Flash a quick flick on his head, and disappeared again. Slowly, the bus came to a stop and Peter let out a relieved sigh, jogging up to the entrance.

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