Chapter Forty-One

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A/N: Sorry this took a while to get out. I was going to upload last night but then I had an impromptu graduation I had to go to and I came home at like 11 so I was pretty frickin' exhausted. It also took a long time to write because I watched Endgame like two weeks ago and I was so traumatized that I couldn't even think about Marvel for a long, long time. I seriously still don't even want to think about it. It was the worst best movie ever. I can't even omg.

Anyway so in the last chapter, Adelaide went off on Tony for agreeing to come to her science fair and then Adie, Peter, and Ned decided that they were going to make a hoverboard together for their project. And remember how Adie was searching Graves' office for drugs? Well, let's just say she finds out...something in this chapter. You'll see ;)


"See you around,


Adelaide had a plan. Well, she had half a plan. It was good enough for her, she'd figure the rest out as it happened.

Her plan — her half-plan — was to follow Coach Graves to his house to see where he hid his drugs. Then she could anonymously call the police on him and he'd be fired. She hadn't worked out all the kinks yet, but it sounded like a perfectly foolproof plan to her. Easy stuff. It should be a piece of cake.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Peter asked as he saw his bus pull up, referring to the math session they had planned for tomorrow. Adelaide gave him a smile.

"If I don't die," she said and Peter laughed, thinking she was joking. Little did he know, she thought. She had already texted Happy earlier with some excuse so he wouldn't come to pick her up after school so now she was just standing outside with Peter and Ned, pretending to wait for her ride. Two seconds later, a big yellow bus pulled up and all the kids began getting inside.

"Bye guys," she told Peter and Ned as they climbed onto the yellow bus. They waved back and then the bus was gone. She waited for them to be out of sight and then she hurried back into the building where she knew Graves would be locking up his office at that exact moment.

When she got there, already invisible and in her suit, he was doing just that. Adelaide took a deep breath. She was going to catch him in the act this time.

She followed him all the way outside to where he had his rickety car parked in the staff parking lot. Adelaide turned herself visible once again and stepped onto the sidewalk where she quickly stopped a cab. Her eyes never leaving Graves' car, she slid into the cab.

"Follow that car!" she said.

"Anudder car chase - hey Blue Phantom!" the driver said.

Adelaide looked away from the old car pulling out of the lot to face the driver with a familiar flat cap and childish grin.

"Bobby?"Adelaide said in surprise.

"Hey, you're back!" Bobby grinned. Of all the cabs in Manhattan, she had never thought she would see the same cabbie twice. Especially not for another car chase.

"I need you to follow that car," Adelaide grinned, pointing to the same car they had followed last time. It was out of the parking lot now. Bobby pressed the pedal so fast that Adelaide was pushed back against her seat. She groaned, rubbing her head. She had forgotten how Bobby drove.

"Anudder car chase - just wait till I tell my pals about dis one!" he laughed, "My pals cawl me Double-O-Seven cause'o you! Best name I ever had! Better than Bubsy - that's what my ma used to call me. Let me tell yuh, gettin' through elementary school wit dat name was a real pickle."

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