t w e n t y - o n e

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Chapter Twenty-One:

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Chapter Twenty-One:

'How the hell did I end up here?' you asked yourself as you looked at Lee House. Everything was such a blur. Prince Jungkook had you go inside a carriage and didn't tell you anything. Your eyes landed on the cruel woman who walked out of the house. A smirk appeared on her face, seeing you behind the gates with simple clothes.

Lady Eunha walks towards you with a fan covering half her face. "crawling back because you don't have money? look at the clothes you're wearing. you look ugly" she said. "you think? I thought I looked beautiful" you spun around and smiled, making her roll her eyes. "I'm not here for the money. I don't want your stupid money" you replied crossing your arms.

"Then why are you here? No one called you here so why don't you leave and never-" you then saw Duke Lee walk out with his two-year-old son. "let her in. we have things to discuss" the gates open and you walked inside yet Lady Eunha grabs your wrist. "bet not ruin my family or else you will regret it" she whispers into your ear.

You laughed and smirked at her. "you can't tell me what to do. you can steal his money as long as you want. I don't give a dam. I don't need a man in my life to provide me money. I have myself to do that" you pulled your hand away and walked inside the house.

you followed Duke Lee into his office. He took a seat and had his son on his lap. You looked at him to see the baby smile at you. "so you called me over? what is it that you want?" You asked crossing your arms. Duke Lee looks at you before speaking. "come back to us" he said, making you laugh. "And why would I do that? There is no need for me. Your son will take over your business and your so-called wife's sons have their father's business to run. So what is there for me to do?" You replied.

His son tries to reach out to you yet you ignore him. It's not like you hate him, it's just this situation was making you angry. All of a sudden Duke Lee starts coughing. Your eyes widened when you saw blood.

'This never happened in the game.  The villainess's father isn't supposed to die so what caused the change. was it me? did I make Duke Lee sick?'

"Prince Jungkook came and-" you stood up and glared at him. "Oh, so the reason why you want me back in your stupid family is so you could get more money?!?" You yelled. The maid walked inside the room and grabbed the baby for his nap. Duke Lee glares back at you. "do you know how much-"

"So you want me back you in your so-called family so you can arrange my marriage to him and in return you get luxury. I can't believe he did this just because I continue rejecting his proposal. I swear if I see you or him near my face again, I won't hesitate to kill you" you turned around heel away, and walked out.

As you walked out of the house, you felt your hands burning as if you were near fire. Lady Eunha smirks seeing you upset. You ignore her stupid face and walked out of the house.

'fucking idiots deserve death'


You explained to Mary what happened and she felt bad for you so she decided to make you your favorite dish. You decided to take a cold bath since you still feel hot. you walked into the bathroom and undress. you slipped into the tub and tilt your head back as you sighed in relief.

many things were in your head. for example, Prince Jungkook bribing your father so he can easily marry you. Second, you still have no idea who left purple marks on your skin. It wasn't the prince since he was out the whole time. you knew it was a male by their scent. it couldn't be Knight Jung since he hates you to death. but the scent was familiar to you.

"Lady (Y/N) is not looking to have any visitors today" you heard Mary said. "Please, Mary. Can't you just make an expectation for me?" you heard a familiar annoying voice. "your Highness, please. (Y/N) is very tired and she wishes to not speak to anyone" Mary said.

The water started boiling as you heard the prince continue begging to see you. Mary knew how you are when you're angry and it isn't good. You decided to give him a test of your own medicine. You got out of the tub, grabbed your robe, and headed downstairs.

When you walked downstairs, Prince Jungkook's eyes darken when he saw the marks on your neck. He clenched his jawline. "Leave my house now, Prince Jungkook," you told him. "Who gave you those marks, (Y/N)?" He asked. You scoffed and crossed your arms.

"It's not important. What is important is the fact that you bribed Duke Lee to take me back so you can marry me easily. Are you that desperate to have me as your wife?" You asked. "Yes! Yes, I am! Is it wrong for me to!?! I loved you for eight years. I don't want any other man near you so yeah I did bribe him" he yelled back.

Mary walked away, not wanting to get involved with your drama with the prince. You laughed and gave him a cold look. "So you thought after we get married, I would fall for you? This is not some type of fairytale where you get your happily ever after" you said back. You walked towards him and grabbed him by his collar, pulling his face closer to yours. "I don't love Prince Jungkook and will never"

Before you let go of him, he puts his hands on your waist and connects his lips to yours. Your body was getting hot. You started punching his chest yet didn't let you go. Mary walked back inside since she didn't hear anything. She drops the plate, causing him to pull away from the kiss. "I hate you, Prince Jeon Jungkook. Leave my house and never come in front of me or else I'll regret it" you wiped your lips.

He chuckles and gives you a smirk. "Let's see who's crawl back to who, (Y/N). Just know I'm always here when you realize that only I can make you feel special. My love for you is enough for the both of us" he said before walking out of your house.

Mary looks at you to see you drop onto the ground. She runs towards you and feels that your body is hot. Quickly, she carries you to your bedroom and places you on your bed. She runs into your office and looks through your potions. This wasn't the first time that this happened. Normally when you're stressed out, your magic makes you feel like you're burning.

She runs back to your room and makes you drink the healing potion. You slowly fall asleep.

"What on earth is going on?" Mary asked herself.


Mary woke up by a sudden knock on the door. She quietly walks towards the door, hoping it wasn't the prince. When she opens the door, she was surprised to see Knight Jung. "Is Lady (Y/N) asleep?" He asked and she nodded. "Good. You two should leave Busan now. Right now, it isn't good if she stays here. I have a friend of mine in Daegu who will watch you two. The carriage is ready for you two so pack your belongings" Knight Jung said.

"W-Why is it not good that we stay here?" Mary asked. He gives her a smile and replies, "currently the prince isn't acting himself so it's better if you two leave. If you're gone, she won't have to deal with Prince Jungkook any longer and he will be engaged to Lady Anne which is what Lady (Y/N) wants, right?" Knight Jung said and Mary nodded.

"Yes. I'll pack our belongings but can you please carry her into the carriage" he nodded and walked inside the house. Mary runs to her room to pack while Knight Jung heads towards your room. He looks down at your sleeping face. His eyes noticed the marks on your neck.

'No wonder why he was frustrated...' he chuckles and lifts you. He carries you towards the carriage, placing you inside. Knight Jung looks at you again and sighs. "The damage is already done. There's no way to turn the story back to normal. You better get back to our world" Knight Jung said.

He gets out of the carriage and clenched his fists. He remembers what Prince Jungkook did back at the castle. Taking his anger and frustration at a new guard and was even this close to kill him yet luckily he came before the prince could finish.

'The male lead was never supposed to act like this. he was given the role as the hero and a good man...'

"this game was never a yandere game"

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