t w e n t y - f i v e

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Chapter Twenty-Five:

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Chapter Twenty-Five:

you had locked yourself in your cabin ever since Mary's funeral. you didn't want to see anyone. Mary has been with you throughout your whole life. it broke your heart that you couldn't save her in time. Prince Jungkook has been trying to talk to you yet you're still angry at him. Jennie is with her brother who is resting in a hospital in their kingdom. luckily the doctors were able to save him.

as much as you want to resurrect her, you know it would be chaos. "dammit" you shouted as you push your spell-book onto the ground. you pulled your hair as you walked back and forth. 'i need to leave. mary was never supposed to die yet she died because of me. i can't risk anyone else dying. i have to go' you thought.

"(Y/N), can you please open up? i want to talk to you" you heard Prince Jungkook shout from outside. he continues banging on your door. "leave me alone, your Highness!" you replied. "that's it, I'm coming in" he said before breaking down your door. the prince walks inside your house, heading straight to your office. "(Y/N), I want to help you. Please let me in" Prince Jungkook said as he enters your office room.

"i said leave me alone!" you were so frustrated with yourself about Mary's death that you released your anger by causing fire to appear on your hands. The prince's eyes widened, seeing you make fire. you quickly closed your eyes and took deep breaths to decrease the fire until it was fully gone. once the flames were gone, you cast a spell making Prince Jungkook fall into a deep sleep.

before he fell, you caught him. "and im doom" you said as you drag him into your bedroom. you placed him down onto your bed and sighed. "i need a memory spell. he can't remember any of this" you headed back to your room. you search through your spellbook to only find a potion. as you were looking for the ingredients, you realize that you could use magic to erase his feelings towards you.

'magic can't fix anything. as much as i hate the fact he wants to marry me, i can't use magic on him. I'll break it to him and let's hope that works out. magic always comes with consequence'

you finished making the potion which turned into a pill and headed back to your room. "how the heck am i going to make him swallow this if he's asleep?" you asked and then it hit. you put the pill in your mouth and lean down towards his face, connecting your lips with his. your tongue enters his mouth, pushing the pill into him.

the prince's eyes opened when you were kissing him. his heart started racing fast and his hands pulled you closer to him. with your strength, you pulled away from him. "I appreciate you caring for me, your Highness but-"

"I thought I told you to call me Jungkook," he said sitting up. "Not the point. Listen to me, you and I can never happen. I know you have feelings for me and all, but I can't accept them so please understand me" you said to him.

deep down you were hoping that he would and leave you alone but this prince jungkook was different from the game version. you saw his eyes darken and his veins popping out. "i get that you don't have feelings for me, but you'll just have to learn how to love me" he said. "no, you're gonna learn how to not love me. why can't you see that Lady Anne is-"

prince jungkook chuckles and rolls his eyes. "why does everyone think we belong together? is it because she's nice and sweet? you are too. you are so much interesting than she is. she's too plain, not exciting like you. I told you, I have been in love with you ever since we were ten. can't you just give me a chance to prove that I'm worthy to be your husband" he asks.

"i would love to yet im not looking for a husband" you smiled at him. "i know you're hurt. let me heal your wounds. let me bring you happiness. i want to show you my love for you" prince Jungkook walks towards you, grabbing your hand. "my wounds are too deep that even with your love, you can never heal them" you replied and pulled your hand away from him.

"i guess ill just have to use plan b then. just know i never wanted to do this" prince jungkook said. "you can walk in" he turns his head. your eyes widened when a sudden figure appeared in front of you. before you could anything, they placed you in a deep sleep. Prince Jungkook catches you and smiles seeing you asleep. "you know what to do" he looks up at the figure.

the figure places their hand on top of your head and magic appeared. "it's done, your Highness" they said. "good. when will she wake up?" he asks. "in a few minutes. just to remember, i only erased the hatred she felt for you. her feelings towards you will be neutral. you decided how you want her to feel about you" the figure said.

"you don't know how much joy, you brought to me," prince jungkook said with a smile. "am i free now?" they asked. "guards! take her away!" he shouted, making her eyes widened. "w-what! you promised!" she shouted as she was being chained up again.

prince jungkook smirks at her. "you honestly believe that you were going to be free just like that? I am thankful. you allowed me to be with my (Y/N) but i can't just let you leave like that. im gonna use you. you'll be my key on killing King Yoongi and anyone else that gets in my way" he confesses.

the guards dragged the figure outside, leaving the prince with you.

the guards dragged the figure outside, leaving the prince with you

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'too bad. that wasn't the only thing i did to her. let's see you rule the kingdom now that she has a hint on how to escape'

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