Chapter 2

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Your body rocked back and forth as you slept through the night. The motions reminded you of the carriage that was once transporting you to this so-called buyer. As you steadily rose, you began to wonder: was the encounter with Demiurge all a dream?

A soft moan parted from your lips as you opened your eyes to find yourself still in the shackles and chains, but they were indeed broken.

"So you have awakened." The demon's voice beckoned to you, your eyes focusing on the interior of the carriage you were now within.

The demon sat as though he were a mere gentleman waiting for a fallen lady to arise. His hands were folded neatly in his lap, the wide grin unnervingly spread across his features.

"Demiurge...?" The broken chains clinked together as you moved to sitting upright at the very least. The interior was very regal (as you'd expect from a demon king). What you were resting on was cushioned far better than your own bed back home. It was curved near the left end, given a very ornate wooden design on the frame, while the fabric itself was smooth, blood red in appearance and equally decorative with a combination of golden hues. There was a pillow near your head that was curled in a rather long and cylinder appearance. It was a type of pillow you knew only the richest of people in this world could afford given its rarity in design.

"I was able to summon a carriage. If I were to walk you the entire way to my kingdom, well... it would take far too long," Demiurge confessed.

You gazed beyond the black curtains that attempted to conceal the carriage driver and the horses. There was no driver, much to your surprise, and the horses... Flesh of the animals burned with flames of crimson near the face and side of the beast regarding where its ribs were. They were demonic horses, possibly another summon by the demon king.

"A felsteed," Demiurge commented, noting your reaction to the two horses pulling the carriage. "They are the horses of the underworld and their hooves can burn anything beneath them."

A knot reformed in your stomach as you noted that it was a few hours just after dawn and the once dry canyon had turned into a hellish heat that you weren't used to. "How far are we from your kingdom?"

The demon turned, gazing beyond the steeds to note the atmosphere. "We'll be passing the oasis and just shortly after that, we'll be on the outskirts of my kingdom."

The chains were dreadfully hot at this point, making you try to avoid having them touch your skin. "I guess even horses from hell don't have abnormal speeds, do they?"

The devil stifled a laugh that radiated as a scoff at your ignorance. It made you recoil on instinct just hearing it. "Felsteeds have unique abilities compared to your average horse, but no, they are not faster by comparison." Demiurge motioned in the horses' direction. "They are also intelligent and remain loyal to those who summon them. Whether for travel or otherwise, they will protect their summoner."

You kept to yourself, noting how the oasis' palm trees were coming steadily into view. Taking to your feet, you moved a bit closer to get a better view of the outside world you never had a chance to see before. "Will we stop at the oasis?"

It appeared as though there were shops and a place where people could restock before heading on their way. It was odd to imagine. There was actually a shopping and watering hole area for any beings to rejuvenate in a literal walk through hell.

"We could." Demiurge sounded less than enthused in wishing to do so. However, he had to remind himself: you were only human.

The devil snapped his fingers, sending an order to the horses in a language you didn't recognize. It sounded as though it were comprised of angry grumbling and growling with words you didn't know mixed in.

The Demon King of the DesertWhere stories live. Discover now