Chapter 21

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Only thirty days...

That hardly felt like a lot of time the more you dwelled on it.

Even after the devil gave you this warning, the first week passed at such a numbing pace, you didn't even realize that seven days had gone by in a flash. Everything that was once full of color seemed to turn to ash.

Jaldabaoth (oddly) trusted you to venture out about his kingdom on your own. In a way, it almost felt as though he wanted you to see or at least find some form of beauty in what he had cultivated over the years.

But nothing truly shone as bright as Demiurge's kingdom.

You missed missed the world he had cultivated. You'd give anything to be back at his side once more.

Your eyes ventured over towards the mountain range, which would lead you easily out of Jaldabaoth's kingdom. Heart racing, your body felt alive with temptation as it seemed to be urging you to leave, just to see what the demon would do.

Moving your lower lip inward, you took a few steps in that direction. There would be guards, you were aware. But maybe you could convince them to let you through.

The mighty jaws of the mountain pass came more into view the closer you walked towards it, seemingly in a haze. The sounds of the townsfolk were a distant rumble at best.

However, a voice you could just recognize called to you. For a moment, you swore it was Demiurge. It made you tense, spinning around on instinct.

But what met you wasn't Demiurge, but the tailor Belmertoh.

"Oh. Umm, hello."

The demon gave you a curious look. "Going somewhere, my Lady?" He didn't say it to sound threatening, but there was something in his tone that hinted that probably wasn't a good idea.

You sighed. "No, I was just—."

Belmertoh shook his head, thumbing over his shoulder. "The necklace you requested is ready. Perhaps now would be a good time to give it to you." The moment you stepped past him, the demon squeezed your shoulder before leaning in to whisper to you. "I wouldn't recommend testing him, my dear..."

Being told such a thing, shivers ran up and down your spine. Again, it wasn't a threat, but there was something buried in those words that felt familiar—haunting.

Belmertoh shrugged as the two of you continued onward. "I know you didn't request it to be a necklace, but the only means in which I could give a suitable design to the jeweler was to say a necklace made of topaz." A minor laugh of nervousness was buried in his words.

You shifted Nyala on your hip. "Anything would have been fine, Belmertoh. Thank you."

"She dropped it off at my shop sometime ago. It is probably wise I give it to you now, as I am certain Lord Jaldabaoth wouldn't wish for me to show up unannounced." He sighed, making it to the opening of his shop. "With the season in bloom, he's awfully territorial and a bit of an annoyance to get past during this time..."

"I can only imagine," you confessed with a somber sigh. During this breeding season for male demons, you just wished you were back near Demiurge. You wouldn't mind sating him.

Moving behind his front counter, the demon pulled out a box to open the lid and show you what was inside.

It was a gorgeous chandelier necklace with a giant, blue topaz at the center. As requested. It was far more extravagant than you thought it would be.

"It's gorgeous."

"Pretty~!" Nyala squealed, admiring herself in the gem's reflection.

"I'm glad you approve." Belmertoh inched it closer for you to accept. "Why don't you try it on? While she isn't here, I'll be happy to relay whatever information I can to Ilka, the jeweler, if the sizing isn't correct."

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