Chapter 15

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There was little to no need for rest. Remaining curled up beside Demiurge, you tried to ease your mind of the worries regarding Jaldabaoth and just enjoyed the moment. Carefully, you rested your palm on his chest.

"What about your injury?" you whispered. "I didn't bother to think about it prior..."

"Mm? Ah, that." He laughed it off. "This isn't to encourage you to continue with such a sensual act, my dear, but sex can alleviate pain in demons. Not certain if it's the same for humans."

You found that hard to believe given all the strength and energy he had to use just to sate you. "So are you in any pain?"

He shook his head with a twist of his mouth. "If I were in any such pain, I would let you know." His fingers slipped through the divide of yours, admiring the closeness you both shared in the moment. Bringing your fingers close to his lips, he kissed you with a nasally sigh of content.

It had been so long since he had the joys of being with a partner–a soulmate if anything. The poetic euphoria of such came rushing back to him. While his mind was equally labored with the fear of what his brother would do, he couldn't let it spoil what delights the moment could bring him.

"We shouldn't remain in bed like this for too long. Nyala will possibly need us in time," you reminded him.

He stifled a chuckle, nodding. "I understand." Demiurge was the first to shift upright, looking to the bottle of medicine Gerdu offered him earlier. His stubbornness fought him for a time till he finally unscrewed the top and drank a bit of the bluish liquid.

Noticing what Demiurge was up to, you found yourself a bit surprised. "You trust him?"

The devil glanced over at you. "His scent would have been noticeable if he were anything other than that half-dragon. Hard for even my own brother to down the drakes of this world–halfling or not–and slather their scent all over a shapeshifter."

"Half-dragon...?" You raised your brow, curious. "So Gerdu is half-dragon? A lot of the rumors speculated as such, but none of us were certain."

Demiurge nodded. "I only cared to notice such when he wished to talk to me face-to-face." He put the potion bottle off to the side. "Not only was his odor quite weak compared to the other dragons I've been near, but he gave himself away with the lust for coins and anything else that sparkles, which can catch his eye. Even a double of him would only seek revenge on me, not stating their need for coins."

"Odd to think that any being–half or not–would wish to deal with humans." While dragons didn't outright detest humans, they didn't go out of their way to bother with them. The elemental dragons that all ruled under the Serpent of the Gods saw humans as harming the earth, air, and water to where humans were never welcomed near their homes. Some dragons, to your understanding, fought in opposition to such a notion–believing the humans gave balance to the elements of nature.

Regardless, it was still hard to understand why someone like Gerdu would bother with being near them just for something to collect and horde over. Even if he was possibly half-human as well.

"Dragons can be greedy. I am certain even a halfling like him cannot ignore that part of himself." Demiurge's claw rested upon your shoulder with a gentle, yet reassuring squeeze. "Come. Let's check on Nyala and make certain she is alright."

After getting dressed, you followed Demiurge back downstairs to the bedroom Nyala was asked to stay in for a little bit. He knocked, announcing you both before opening the door to allow himself inside.

The toys had been cleaned off by one of the servants. At this point, the little devil was watching as a wound up mouse toy was skittering across the floor after she wound it. The way she was laughing at watching it move like an actual mouse made you believe she probably had been doing this many times now. She jumped to her cleft hooves and began to hop around after it before pouncing as if to attack something that was real. Her spade tail flicked back and forth, reminding you of a cat on the hunt.

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