Chapter 11

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EDIT: I updated the wrong chapter!! I've been doing this to all my books, so I'm so so sorry!! This chapter is the right one, so please reread.

Hey you guys!! Man, it's been a while, and I'm sorry about that. I got held up with school, moving eight hours back home, then starting a full time job...but I'm back!! We've got a lot of books left in this series, and whenever work gets boring, I story plan!!

I've been using small scraps of paper to write little pieces of story information down as I think of them, and end up with a pocket FULL of paper when I'm finished. Needless to say...I have a rough outline for EVERY story!!

What does this mean? It means my updates will likely be faster now that I have a direction for each story, and I'm already a few chapters ahead on Sniper. I can't wait to start the next book, too!!

If I haven't spoiled it already, (I'm really not sure if I did) the announcement of who's story is next will come soon!! Can't wait to share it with you all. 

I hope you enjoy this chapter!! More to come soon.


"I'm going to puke!"

"You said that a minute ago," I pointed out.

"Yeah, but this time I really mean it," Beatrice held her hand over her mouth and clenched her eyes shut. I'd been standing here, leaning against the way of the kitchen as she paced back and forth, constantly threatening to throw up.

I'd told everyone to clear out around lunchtime today. Beatrice prepared a light lunch for her and her father before pacing around the kitchen. My phone vibrated on the island and flashed Rooster's name.

"He's here," I stood up from leaning on the wall. "You want me here or no?"

"Stay," Beatrice begged as she carefully took a step outside. She'd gotten Maya to help reapply the makeup on her bruises. I wanted her father to see them and know what that piece of shit did to her.

I glanced out the small window at the front of the kitchen to see Beatrice meet her dad halfway and hug him tightly. I wasn't surprised to see tears on her face by the time I made it inside.

"Sir," I nodded once they'd entered and Mr. Odison noticed me. He took a threatening step towards me, ignoring his daughter tugging on his arm.

"You have something to do with this situation?" He grumbled.

"Yes, sir," I answered, "but I think that's your daughter's story. She should explain."

"What the hell is going on?" Mr. Odison finally listened to Beatrice and stepped away from me. She motioned to the lunch on the kitchen table and waited for her father to sit down before seating herself. I stayed standing.

"Dad, I have something to confess," Beatrice's eyes didn't leave her father once. I eyed their food—if they started talking about this mess now, they weren't going to eat their lunch.

More for me.

"Trevor, he's—he's been hitting me, dad," Beatrice's eyes got teary again and she didn't bother wiping them away.

"What?" Mr. Odison seemed aghast.

"I woke up a few days ago with his hands around my throat. I had to hurt him to get away," Beatrice's voice grew louder. "It wasn't the first time, either."

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