Chapter 17

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"Fucking hell!"

"You comfortable?" Doc retracted his hands. I was set awkwardly on the bed and couldn't move.

"Fuck no!"

"Alright," Beatrice sighed. "Enough with the shouting. Thanks, Doc. I'll take it from here." Doc took his leave while wiping sweat from his brow.

"Sorry," I muttered. Beatrice ignored me. She moved the blankets around and turned to face me. Her hair was in a low ponytail and she was constantly blowing a long strand of hair out of her face.

"How do you wanna lay?" She asked calmly. I swallowed a grimace of pain and motioned to my torso.

"On my back but slightly on my left side," I answered. She nodded and blew the damn piece of hair out of her face again. Beatrice placed one hand behind my neck and the other around my ribcage before trying to slide me so I was almost facing the ceiling.

I took a deep breath of her faint perfume and finally relaxed with a smile when I was finally comfortable. This way, I could use my left hand to eat, change the channel, reach Beatrice's...I could just be a little bit more independent this way.

"I'm going to go grab us some lunch. Want anything?" Beatrice crossed her arms after finally tucking the strand of hair behind her ear. I bit my lip and glanced down at my lap.

"I can have one of the guys bring me something later—"

"Well I'm going down now, so what do you want? Tell me before I bring you back the grossest thing I can find," Beatrice smirked. I was fearful that she was going to get sick of waiting on me hand and foot. For God's sake, I would need help showering and pissing—this was going to be hell.

"There's some leftovers in the fridge. Anything will do," I said back.

"Got it!" She strode out of the room confidently and I couldn't help but smile. I was glad I had the most comfortable bed in the world. It was going to make this ordeal feel a lot better. I turned on the TV, unable to take the silence any longer, and kept my eyes trained on the door.

Beatrice was back a few minutes later.

"Here you go," she set a warm plate on my lap and set a glass of soda on the nightstand. "I know you probably wanted beer, but Doc said no alcohol with your pain meds."

"You're kidding," I gaped at her. I hadn't been on heavy painkillers before and now I never wanted to again.

"I am not," she smiled. She got settled on the bed where she ate a bowl of fruit along with a deli sandwich. I unwrapped a baked potato and some leftover tacos. "Enjoy your lunch!"

"Thanks," I said dryly. She chuckled and turned her attention to the TV. We sat like that for a bit, silently watching a sit-com, then the news after we'd finished our meals.

"What did your dad say?" I asked suddenly. Beatrice finished taking a drink of her soda and turned to me.

"He was worried, actually. Even offered to close down the shop for a little on Sundays to deliver your order here," she chuckled.

"Reaper will do it," I said softly.

"I know," she nodded. "That's what I told him. He said to call if we needed anything."

"The only thing I need is lying right next to me," I muttered under my breath. Beatrice smacked the left side of my chest before resting her head on it.

"Wake me up if you need anything. It's been a long day," Beatrice sighed. She cuddled closer to me and I put my left arm over her shoulders. She was out within a few minutes. My middle finger rubbed her upper arm softly.

God, she was gorgeous. A few minutes later her phone chirped loudly on her side table, then turned into a long ring. I grimaced in pain but used my right arm to push myself up anyway to grab her phone by reaching my left hand over her.

"Hello?" I winced as I settled back into my previous position. My right arm was on fire, but one glance at Beatrice told me she was asleep. Success.

"Sniper?" Mr. Odison's confused voice greeted me. "How are you feeling?"

"Fantastic," I sighed sarcastically. He chuckled for a moment before his tone became grim.

"Tell your club I said thank you for getting her inside and safe. Can I talk to her?"

"She's sleeping right now, but I'll have her call you back as soon as she wakes up," I promised. He grunted in response.

"Can you tell me more of what happened? Beatrice only told me the basics," Mr. Odison explained. I gently put the phone in my right hand and softly rubbed Beatrice's arm with my left.

"Beatrice had made it well out of the gate before the ground started to rumble. I barely had time to look at the tower before something exploded," I sighed.

"Hm," Mr. Odison hummed under his breath.

"Burned the shit out of pretty much the entire right side of my body."

"Damn. Now I get why Beatrice is staying there. Any info on the bomber?" God, this guy really sounded like Pres.

"Not right now," I answered shortly. The anger stemmed from no leads, even though it had been a few hours since the explosion.

"Would you mind if I came by? I was an Explosive Specialist in the Marines," he explained. I knew he had military experience, but this almost seemed too good to be true.

"I—yeah, sure. Let me ask Pres first, though. I'll call you back in a bit."

"Sounds good."

I hung up with him and tossed Beatrice's phone on my lap. My phone was set on the nightstand, and my right arm screamed in protest when I started to pick it up. I managed a few seconds later, but knew my arm would most likely be on fire for a while after this.

"Pres," he answered the phone after two rings.

"B's dad wants to come over to see if he can help...says he was an Explosive Specialist in the Marines," I explained. Pres was silent for a moment.

"I'll have Comp verify his credentials and do a little digging on him before he enters those gates. I'll call you back," he hung up on me without saying anything else. Comp, the fast little motherfucker he is, was finished in less than thirty minutes.

"Tell him he's good to go. Ask for me when he gets here," Pres instructed as soon as I picked up the phone a little while later.

"Got it," I answered and hung up on him this time. A quick phone call to Mr. Odison revealed he would be here within the hour after closing up his shop.

"What are you doing?" Beatrice ripped the phone out of my right hand.

"Uh—talking to your dad?" I answered. She shouldn't have a problem with that, right? Beatrice tossed her phone on my lap where it clanked against my resting phone.

"Use your left hand. You're uselessly causing your right arm pain," she scolded. I wrapped my left arm around her and pulled her closer. "What did my dad say?"

"He's on his way over," I yawned, the long day and heavy meds I was on were finally catching up to me.



I'm loving this story!! I hope you are too.

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