Chapter 23

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I'm uploading another chapter! Woohoo!


Pres and Minnie's parents arrived at the club before Queenie did.

The kids were grumpy because they weren't on vacation, but every parent was ecstatic to see their child.

"Dad!" Tori had wailed as she ran to her father. Jasmine took Titan, then a few minutes later they switched, and all the while, Pres was holding Josie close. Only a few minutes after the grandparents left, Queenie was rushing in the door.

"I'm here," she gasped for breath. "What's happening?" Pres quietly informed her of what happened as well as helped her tidy up before the social worker came back.

"Hello. It's nice to meet you," Poppy Marko was back and shaking Queenie's hand. The families were led into the conference room first, then the children one by one. Josie and Titan were the exceptions. While they couldn't speak, Ms. Marko said she could examine body language and health while their parents held them.

In all the stress, I'd forgotten about Beatrice. Her hand came to rest on my shoulder as she watched the tense room.

"Everything is going to be fine," she leaned down to whisper in my ear. Kids were a soft spot for the club, and they were living an amazing life. They shouldn't be taken away. Titan blinked in his father's arms and stared blindly into space. My throat bobbed as I thought about how scared he would be if he was taken away from his parents, and he couldn't see where he was going.

"Okay," Ms. Marko said as she exited the conference room. "I have what I need. I will confer with my associates—"

"Can you just tell us?" Pres rushed, looking absolutely distraught. Poppy sighed and glanced at the entire room before nodding.

"There's no reason that these kids don't belong here. They seem to live gorgeous lives, and they're clearly adored by the entire club," she said in one big breath. A cheer echoed through the room, causing Ms. Marko to jump where she was standing. Beatrice laughed and brought me into a hug as the rest of the club celebrated.

Maya rushed towards the small woman in pink and shook her hand vigourasly as her mouth moved a mile a minute.

"Good thing that's over, hm?" Beatrice asked as she came around me with a look of relief on her face.

My gaze was stuck on the couples in the room. They were gathering each other in their arms' then their children's arms, and I focused back on Beatrice.

"What's wrong?"

"Come here," I motioned, and pulled her onto my lap and into a kiss. Her father—now a part of the club—turned away and gave us a moment instead of stopping it. Beatrice pulled back, looking a little dazed.

"Nothing's ever wrong with you," I whispered and kissed her lightly once more. She blushed and pushed herself off of me. Tori was running around the room, saying hi to everyone, and before I saw her coming, she was on my lap.

"Hi Sniper!"

"Well, hello!" I said to Tori with a grin. She was missing one of her front teeth and recently couldn't stop talking about the tooth fairy. "I think your parents might want you back," I whispered to her. They were staring longingly at their daughter from across the room.

Without a goodbye, Tori took off across the room and jumped into her mother's arms. From then on, the party had begun. Beers were passed out, and soon they were spilled on the floor full of drunk people. The families had long days, so they were the first to leave. Beatrice had a few drinks and ended up on my lap.

"You're so hot," she drawled. Reaper had offered to wheel us down the hall to my room because my girlfriend was clearly incapacitated. Her legs were tangled with mine, her ass was on my left leg, and her arms were touching my few days' worth of stubble.

"Thank you," I muttered and tried to ignore Reaper snickering behind me.

"I wish you were my boyfriend," she pouted.

"I am your boyfriend," I raised my eyebrows.

"No way," Beatrice scoffed. "I couldn't pull you."

"You can and you did. And I liked you first," I said with a smirk. I was surprised Reaper was still walking with the way he was laughing. We arrived at my room and Reaper went to leave, but I spoke up.

"Could you help me to the bathroom? I'm fine after that, but someone is a little too unstable to help," I motioned to my lap. Beatrice was trying to climb off me and onto the bed, but it looked like she was moving in slow motion. A few seconds later she escaped my grip and fell to the floor with a groan.

"Yeah, one sec," the large man bent down to pick Beatrice up, but she swatted him away. "Girl, I'm trying to help you!" He gave up a moment later and roughly grabbed her and lightly tossed her onto the bed. She groaned but settled down and fell asleep in no time.

"Thanks, man," I said as he helped me limp to the bathroom. He assured me it was fine and left me alone with a murmur of seeing me tomorrow. I was able to brush my teeth in one hand, but it looked like both Beatrice and I would be sleeping in our day clothes.

I limped back to bed and tried to fall as gently as I could on the bed. I'd need to take my medicine tomorrow morning because I had already forgot to take it but there was no way I could get out of bed on my own. Beatrice was taking over the bed, and I was glad my good side was facing her.

She cuddled into my side, breathed a breath full of alcohol right at my face, and began to snore. I smirked and wished I had my phone on me to record. Despite her light snoring, my fatigue caught up to me and I was asleep quickly.

"Ugh!" I cracked one eye open and blinked a few times until I could see correctly. Beatrice was groaning and covering her head with her pillow even though the room was silent.

"You okay?" I grunted.

"Talk quieter," she mumbled from beneath the pillow. "I've never been this hungover."

"That's a party for ya," I whispered. She wiggled and pushed her head out from underneath the pillow.


"You just asked me to talk quieter," I whispered back at her. She blinked at me and smiled. "Would you mind grabbing my meds?"

"Oh my God! Of course! What time is it?" Beatrice used her newfound energy to get up from the bed and check her phone. It was nearing noon. Guilt took over her face.

"It's fine," I assured her. She rushed around the room and handed me my medicine, as well as a small cup of water. I downed the pills and handed her the rest of the water. "Go grab some headache meds."

"I'll be back so quick," she assured and rushed out of the room cradling her head.

God, I wanted to get out of this chair.

I couldn't wait to take care of her.



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