Chapter 26

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There's going to be a total of 31 chapters, plus the epilogue! I hope you guys are liking! I'm excited to write Rooster :).

Also, there's a reference in the beginning of the chapter I hope some of you get! There also may or may not be mature content...just a little!


"Don't you know who the hell I am?"

"Fucking Trevor," I scoffed as I shot off a text. Reinforcements would be here shortly. Like my name, I was only familiar with guns—and after all my injuries—a little bit of medical knowledge as well.

I wanted to watch this sorry excuse of a man. Beatrice had just gotten me the best present ever. He was still in a suit from wherever he'd been picked up, but his stupid fucking blonde hair was soaked with blood.

Torch came down the stairs first, chuckling at the squirming little man on the floor. A few seconds later, the door opened again, and the party was ready to get started.

"You son of a bitch!" Odison screamed as he tried to bust his way into the cell. I yanked him back to lean against the wall.

"I can't imagine what I would do if someone had hurt my daughter like that. He's going to suffer, but leave some for the rest of us," I whispered to him. When I let go of him, he was calmer, and turned to face me with a look of rage I'd never seen from him before.

"Gimme something," he muttered. I reached into a closet and handed him the first thing I grabbed; a twisted knife.

"What the fuck? Mr. Odison, what are you doing here?" Trevor began to squirm as Odison towered over him.

"You think you can put your hands on my daughter and get away with it?" Odison's voice was eerily calm, and instead of panicking, Trevor rolled his eyes and dropped his facade.

"When you raise a bitch, doesn't she deserve to get smacked around?" Torch's hand smacked my chest to get me to stop moving, and I listened. Odison had already taken care of the job.

He'd shoved the knife—"Hey, Sniper? Your woman's asking for you," the prospect at the top of the stairs shouted. I scoffed, looked at Torch, and jogged up the stairs.

"She's got a fucking name. Use it," I shoved at his chest before pushing past him. "What's up?" Beatrice was biting her nails and tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Um...just wanted to check in. Are you okay?"

"Me? I'm fine. He ain't gonna hurt me, Bea. Okay? Go back to the room," I tucked the damn piece of hair behind her ear and kissed her lightly. She nodded, but stayed until I'd shut the door behind me.

"My turn?" I grinned and clapped my hands.

"Nah. I'm up next," Torch muttered. He got his overly large blowtorch lit and moved into the cell. Odison was sitting in a rusty chair and clenching his eyes shut. I walked over him to rest a hand on his shoulder. I couldn't imagine my

"Alright! Final touch," Torch snapped me out of my stupor and clapped me on the back. My eyes snapped back into focus and I stared at Trevor, who may or may not be missing one eye and both of his hands. Somehow still conscious, he was drooling all over the place.

"Now, Trevor," I crouched near him. "Your first mistake...want to guess?"


"Aw! You seem too tired to say the next word. Well, the correct answer was existing. You want to know your second, and worse, mistake? Putting your hands on a woman. My woman. And you think life just...goes on? No. That's not how things work." I snarled.

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