Chapter 4

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Hey guys! Hope you're enjoying! Every time I start a new book with a different character from the MC, they grow in my heart more and more! I love them each so much it's crazy


I reached for my phone that had just buzzed on top of the bar.

"Josie Diane Campbell, six pounds four ounces. Everyone is okay," Pres had texted me. I sighed in relief and announced it to the members watching the tv with me at the bar.

Rampage was seated in the corner with an always-overenthusiastic Rooster, Ripper, Reaper, and Blade were around a round table, laughing and joking around. The pride I felt at being third-in-command would never go away.

I decided to leave my lonely barstool and save Rampage from Rooster's ADD. I sat down without a word and listened to his rambling for a few minutes before glancing at a calm Rampage.

"How the hell have you not kicked his ass?" I asked in astonishment. Rampage shrugged.

"Keeps my head quiet."

Rooster and I glanced at each other before Rooster continued to talk about some girl he'd met from Wisconsin in high school. I don't want to know how he got to this story.

My phone rang in my back pocket and I rushed to pull it out.

"Sniper," I answered.

"I need you and five other guys in Idaho tomorrow. I just received a threat," Pres snarled so loudly I jumped in my seat. "Comp is examining it as we speak."

"What time do you want us out?" I asked, my face hardening.

"After your ammo pickup. It might be a long run, Sniper. Pack for it. I'll talk with Torch and Comp and call tomorrow with more instructions," Pres muttered He said something to Queenie quietly in the background.

"You got it," I answered. He hung up shortly after. A threat to the club was to always be taken seriously, but now that we had two more young children with us—especially Pres' baby born just hours ago—we needed to eradicate this threat immediately.

Rampage looked at me strange but didn't ask any questions. Rooster was still talking.

"Pack a bag. Pres wants us on a run," I muttered to Rampage and Rooster before repeating the message to Reaper and Blade.

"Why can't I go?" Ripper jutted his bottom lip out in a pout. Reaper ignored his question and touched his boyfriend's face softly.

"You know you two can't go on runs together," I answered. "Besides, this might be a long run." I left the table, tossed my empty beer bottle into the trash, and fell asleep a few minutes after my head hit the pillow.

I eyed the yellow shirt at the bottom of my closet with distaste and packed a bag before flopping onto my bed and lying awake for hours.

The next morning was tough; Rampage, Blade, Rooster, and Snake finished packing while I got on my bike, bags under my eyes, and slowly drove to the arms shop.

"Daddy, Sniper is here!" Was shouted before the door had even shut behind me. I blinked sleepily at her and didn't choose to respond. I had to accept the way things were going to be.

When Mr. Odison came out I silently handed him the piece of paper and watched him tuck into the back. We needed a lot more ammunition this time because of the long run we were about to go on, so this would be a heavy trip back.

"Sniper," Beatrice glanced at me warily, "is everything okay?"

"Fine," I cleared my throat and mustered a smile towards her. She gave me a small, unsure one back before I turned away. I knew she was continuing to stare at me very clearly until her father came out, struggling to hold the backpack.

"Here you go," Mr. Odison handed me the backpack and sighed in exertion. His hand roughly patted me on the back. "Be safe."

"Thanks. You two have a nice day," I murmured and glanced at Beatrice out of my peripheral vision before exiting the store. I had to let it go. She was happy with someone else.

I took my time driving back and ended up being slightly late, handing the backpack of ammo off to someone else to pack while I grabbed my own bags. This was going to be interesting.

"I've got you guys set up in a house twenty miles from the zone," Comp said into the comms unit.

"Got it. Leaving now," I answered and pulled out of the gate first. "Keep an eye on Pres."

After driving all day, making a few stops for gas along the way, the house Comp had put us up in looked like heaven. We parked all of our bikes in the garage so no one could damage them in any way and investigated the house before we each collapsed in our individual bedrooms.

I collapsed onto the tan bed with blue bedding and fell asleep with my cut, jeans, and boots on. I woke up extremely uncomfortable the next morning.

"Sniper!" I shot up in bed when my name was shouted loudly from downstairs. It sounded like Rampage.

"Yeah?" I shouted back and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

"Come make yourself breakfast. Pres wants to talk to us," Rampage shouted back. I stumbled sleepily through putting a new set of clothes on and slowly walked downstairs.

"I'm here," I scratched the back of my head and moved to put a small coffee cup in the Keurig. Rampage was sitting at the table with his own cup, while Blade, Rooster, and Snake were splitting a large omelet.

"Everyone there?" Pres' voice came from someone's cellphone lying on the middle of the table.

"Yeah," Blade answered with his mouth full of food.

"So Comp's done some research about these guys but we need more information before going in. Spend this week looking from a distance, asking questions quietly. We'll give you more info next week," Pres said. "Stay safe."

Pres hung up shortly after and shifts were organized to keep an eye on what was happening. I offered to take the morning shift—nothing too exciting usually happened and I was more of a morning person anyway.

The other guys were all too happy to let me have it.

"I'll head out now," I muttered. The men spread out all over the house while I packed a quick sandwich to take with me. I disconnected the comms unit from my helmet when I arrived.

I had to leave my bike a little less than a mile behind and trudged to find somewhere to rest and investigate. Comp had us watching a two story home on a few acres of land. No one had come in or out while I watched.

"Hey," Rooster came for his shift a few hours later.

"Nothing yet," I reported. He sat down next to me.

"You took the morning shift," Rooster whined. I rolled my eyes, stood, and stretched out my back.

"I just want to get it over with," I answered.

"This is going to be a boring week."


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Sniper | Fallen Angels MC #3Where stories live. Discover now