Chapter 18

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How's it going? I'm almost done writing this book!! It's going to be around 25-30 chapters!


"Sniper, wake up!"

I was back to the night Jasmine showed up covered in blood and bruises. Doc was standing next to the bed and lightly pushing at my shoulder. I grumbled under my breath and turned away from him only to freeze when my entire body screeched in resistance.

"Fuck!" I cursed. My body was on fire.

"I need to change your bandages," Doc explained. He glanced over me a few times before taking my temperature.

"What time is it?" I glanced over at the other, now empty, side of my bed.

"Past nine," Doc answered. "Those meds really knocked you out, huh?"

"Yeah," I muttered. I glanced at the other side of the bed again.

"She's with her dad downstairs," Doc said before I could ask. I nodded and watched him silently remove each bandage—why we were doing this when the meds wore off is beyond me—and replace it with a new one.

"Still got feeling everywhere?"

"Everything hurts like a bitch. When can I take another dose?"

"Not until right before you go to bed," he answered. His cold, rough fingers finished up an ointment on my shin and smoothed it down softly. "I'll tell Beatrice you're awake." He was gone a second later.

I clenched my fist and grimaced when the skin pulled tight. This healing process was going to fucking suck.

"Hey," Beatrice said quietly as she entered my room. "How are you feeling?"

"Tough," I answered. I tried to hide the amount of discomfort I was feeling, but her eyes caught on quick.

"Doc said you can take meds right before you go to sleep," Beatrice told me.

"I know," I grimaced.

"I don't want to go to work tomorrow," she frowned. I reached up and grabbed her hand with my left hand. That was enough of my right arm for the week.

"Take off for the week at least," a booming voice came from behind her. I released her hand as Mr. Odison appeared to her right.

"Dad, I can work—"

"I can handle the shop on my own," Mr. Odison insisted. "Take a week off with your boyfriend. You deserve it."


"How are you doing, Sniper?" Mr. Odison finally turned his gaze away from his daughter. I tried not to cower under his intense stare.

"I'll be stuck here for a while, but I'm alright," I said. Beatrice rolled her eyes and pushed her dad's shoulder.

"You can clearly see how he's feeling dad," she scowled at him. He smirked at her antics and pushed her shoulder back, just a little lighter.

"I would like to talk to him alone, Beatrice," her father murmured to her. She turned away from him, picked up her phone, and plopped down right where she'd slept last night.

"And we've talked about this, dad. Whatever you say to him can be said to me," Beatrice crossed her arms.

"It's club business," her dad sent her a sympathetic smile, "and Pres said only old ladies can hear about club business."

Sniper | Fallen Angels MC #3Where stories live. Discover now