Chapter 20

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I lied!! Early update coming at you. It's also a bit of a longer chapter for me!! Hope you enjoy!!


"First of all," Pres began, "Sniper, I've updated everyone on Bee's ex's position. We will maintain our plan, including you. This is the only update you will receive until we complete it."

"Got it," I muttered. That was a pain in the ass.

"Second, we've found out some...interesting things about the company that installed the pavement. When they did it, Comp hadn't started working yet. The fucker before him didn't do his job." Pres tossed a thick folder onto the conference table and watched the contents spill out of it.

"What the fuck?" I said loudly. My body jolted, leaving me holding my breath in pain.

"Seems like the cops have been at us for a while under the radar. Apparently, from the intel Comp was able to gather, they put it there to get rid of all of us years ago, however—the timer misfired, so it was just left there. Waiting."

Torch's jaw clenched as he picked up a paper in front of him.

Haven Paving

Improving Portland

One road at a time

"Has someone talked to them yet?"

"No. Rooster is on that tomorrow morning as soon as they open, but we got a lot of information from the cameras. Go ahead and play it, Comp, Pres pointed to the TV. We had warehouses full of camera records from years and years ago. It came in handy a lot.

In the mess of our parking lot, a van was blocking part of the paving area, and I felt a sinking feeling in my gut.

"Queenie, you got this?"

"If those fuckers are still alive, I'll find them. This is more than enough evidence," Queenie swore. She was sitting next to where Pres was standing at the head of the table and was clenching a folder so hard her sharp nails almost went through them.

"As more information appears, we will let you know. Sniper," all attentioned turned towards me "I'll have you leave for this next part." The silence was the worst part about the situation. Rooster wheeled me out of the conference room and but before he shut the door behind me, he called Beatrice in.

"I'll be back," she repeated my words with a small, genuine smile and a soft scratch to my shoulder. The door softly shut behind me and I cursed as I sat in silence. I was pissed that I couldn't be included--really fucking pissed--but I understood. Even if I didn't, I knew Pres would take care of the club like his dad never did. We had to trust him.

"That place we went to today was really good." Beatrice burped right as she exited the conference room. The rest of the Club was still in there..

"Oh yeah?" I laughed and tried to forget about whatever their plan was. She rubbed her slightly bloated stomach and pouted at me.

"Stop laughing!"

"No. That was a better belch than any I've ever done," I smiled. She shook her head and rubbed her chest.

"That one kind of hurt," she murmured.

"Would you mind grabbing us food? I can wheel myself back," I told her.

"No," she shook her head, "I can do both. Don't use that arm." She pointed at my injured arm and slowly backed into the kitchen. Said arm lied limply in my lap until she returned. She held to to-go boxes that looked like they were from the restaurant today and grinned at me as she entered again.

Sniper | Fallen Angels MC #3Where stories live. Discover now