Chapter 21

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Hey guys! Me again :) hope you enjoy the chapter.



I rubbed my eye with my good hand and opened both of them a second later. Mumbling came from the other side of the phone. I turned slightly to see Beatrice facing away from me, huddled in the bed and holding my phone to her ear.

"Yeah, I'll wake him up," she whispered, listened for a moment, and hung up.

"Who was it?"

"Jesus!" She jumped and flopped on her back, holding a hand to her beating heart.


"It was Rooster," of course it was "You've got an emergency meeting in the conference room right now."

"Shit," I rubbed my eyes and groaned softly. The sheets ruffled on the other side of the bed as she got up. "It's alright, I can do it."

"Shut up," she said softly. Her soft hands helped me into my wheelchair and started to roll me to the conference room. Before I entered, she kissed my on my cheek and handed me off to Torch. "Let me know when you're done."

"Go back to sleep. Torch can take me back, right?" Torch nodded behind me as Pres entered with his crying daughter. I watched Beatrice drag her feet back to my room before Torch wheeled me in.

Pres grabbed Josie's warmed up bottle from the conference room table and nodded at everyone.

"Comp, go ahead."

Comp was the only member of the club that didn't have bags under his eyes at the moment and didn't look tired at all.

"I've just gotten an alert through the P.D.'s system that they're planning a target in about an hour. They're hoping to catch us by surprise. That gives us enough time to get everyone in the building and locked down before it begins."

"What're they after?"

"Probably the evidence that we've got against them. I don't know how they figured it out, but Comp is trying to fix the leak," Maya murmured. Comp scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. The kid was good at his job, but there were very few times when he actually missed something.

"I should have it done in about twenty minutes." He said quietly. Pres stood and tried not to wake his now sleeping daughter as he handed her off to Maya.

"Torch, get the kids inside. I'll need Maya with me...and Jasmine should stick around in case there are injuries..."

"Beatrice can watch the kids," I interrupted. Pres eyed me for a moment before nodding.

"Hide all illegal weapons," Pres pointed to each of us. "Get to your stations." Torch wheeled me to my room before he rushed off to his private home. I felt bad to wake Beatrice again.

"Hey, B," I murmured as she sleepily opened her eyes. "I need you to do me a favor."

She scrambled up into a sitting position and yawned. "I'm awake."

"Can you watch the kids? We've got cops coming in a bit, but you've got time. Eat some breakfast, then Queenie will show you where to go, okay?"

"Of course," she nodded. "Is something wrong?"

"No, it's about the explosion. Everything's okay," I said. I pulled her into a kiss but had to stop her from crawling onto my lap. She pulled some outside clothes on and went to eat breakfast. I just slid a shirt on, because I'd thankfully slept in sweatpants, as well as one sock.

I cursed while carrying the other sock and my shoes on my lap until I saw Beatrice finishing her breakfast and licking her fingers. I motioned helplessly to the bottom of my legs and watched her grin. I thanked her for her help with a kiss and let Pres lead her away.

Pulling my cut on was a little bit of a struggle, but I was finished and ready with my legal arms for when the cops arrived.

"Have a struggle getting through the parking lot?" Blade snarked from the back of our group. I grinned as the short, male cop in the front presented Pres with a warrant before motioning the rest of his men in.

Pres clenched his jaw as they searched our things, but all of us kept an eye on them. No one was taking anything.

"What's in here?" An unseen man was down the hall jiggling at a locked door. Pres rushed in front of him and pushed him back.

"My kid. Fuck off," Pres stepped closer and closer until the man was pressed up against the other side of the hall.

"We have a warrant to search the entire premises, sir," a man spoke, "We'll need you to unlock the door."

"They can't fucking do this!" Pres turned to Queenie who stepped up to him and whispered in his ear. He clenched his jaw but ripped a key from his cut and unlocked the door. He made sure to step in before the officers and grab Josie as Torch and Jasmine stepped in to grab their children as well.

Pres snapped at a man who came to close to him and moved away with his daughter in his arms. I glanced at Beatrice, who had stood from the floor in all the chaos, and watched as she came to me.

"Ma'am? Can we talk to you?" An officer stepped towards her before she could reach me.

"Hey!" I called out and tried to wheel closer, but there were too many people in the room. Beatrice glanced at me, as well as Queenie, who followed her out the door. I clenched my fists shut, but stayed as calm as I could. The room emptied, and everyone was still carrying their kids.

A few minutes later, Queenie's voice could be heard loud and clear, even when the door was closed.

"You don't have a warrant for that. Get the hell off of our property," she shouted and swung the door open. A man stumbled out, his face paler than earlier, and motioned the men out of the room.

Pres stepped back towards his wife and watched the room empty.

"We're clear," Comp said as he came up from his lair a minute later.

"What the fuck did they want?" Pres looked at Queenie.

"They wanted to do a wellness check on the kids," she rubbed her eyebrows. "We're going to have to get them out of here."

"They're extremely safe in our house," Pres argued.

"You know these guys, and you know how far they'd go to find something on us. They're not taking the damn kids!" She snapped right back. Then, with her face softened, she reached for her daughter.

I looked at Beatrice, who was finally able to approach me, and pulled her onto my lap.

"How'd it go?"

"I've never seen Maya that pissed," she shook her head. "Plus, they're on their way to question my dad. I'm going to give him a phone call." I nodded and kissed her before watching her go. Everyone in the room is pissed, and this never leads to a good ending.

"We need to get ready. Now."


I love the kids :(((( it's so hard to write this next part.

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