Chapter 25

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Getting closer to the end!! Hope you all are liking it.

Edit: oops! I forgot to include who is next in the series. It will be at the bottom of the chapter! :)


Mom was late.

I checked my watch for the third time as I watched the ice cubes melt in her drink. Realistically, I knew she'd probably still be babysitting—maybe Scott was late—and my chest clenched. My brother had a kid?

I thought we'd been a team as a kid, but now? We'd never seemed so far apart.

"So sorry," My mom gasped as she rushed to sit down a few minutes later. Her poor hair was in a ponytail, with something brown near her hairline, and her bag was a complete mess.

"It's okay. Scott late?" I murmured. She took a very long drink of her coke and answered me when she was finished.

"Yes. I really didn't want to be late, I'm so sorry," she sighed. My once smooth, sophisticated mother looked so much more relaxed now.

"You've got something—" I pointed to my own hairline, and when she reached her hand towards her she sighed.

"Damn peanut butter," she scowled as she rubbed at it. The waitress came by to let us order and my mom finally looked like she'd calmed down. "It's good to see you better."

"Thanks. It's been a long time since I've been able to just walk around," I smiled. I was thrilled to be independent again. Now I could do what I was supposed to do—take care of Beatrice.

A moment of silence followed, and I took a drink before I opened Pandora's Box.

"I wanted to ask the big question," I tried to smile at my mother. Any happiness was wiped off her face, and she wouldn't look me in the eye. "Why did you treat me like that? I was eighteen, old enough to know what I wanted...and you guys kicked me out."

"I'm sorry," she shook her head as she wrung her hands together.

"I need more than an apology, mom," I leaned forward.

"I have no excuse!" She said loudly. "I was a terrible person, and your father and I—we didn't know what we were doing. Scott convinced me to go to therapy, then I convinced your father to go. We realized our wrongdoing, and I have no excuse to have done that.

"Dad beat the shit out of me," I scoffed and shook my head. "And yet you were the one to reach out."

"He's scared—"

"Yeah right!"

"He is! We're both terrified we'll never get to see you again...never get to see you and the family you create, and your future," she was crying again.

"I was scared! I was terrified of going out on my own, and of probably never seeing my parents again," I clenched my jaw. My nose was burning, and I was trying unbelievably hard not to cry.

"I'm sorry. We're all so, so sorry. I understand if you can't forgive us. I know you'll never forget what we've done. And I know I have no right to ask for anything, but I'd like to ask for a second chance."


"If you don't want to, then forget I asked. I will do nothing but apologize for the rest of my life," she finally looked me in the eyes, and our food arrived a moment later. We thanked the waitress quietly, but neither of us moved to eat the food.

"I um...I miss my mom," I tried to smile at her. And it was true. Maybe enough time had passed, or maybe I was just really wanting parents around, but I wanted to give her a second chance.

"I won't let you down," she swore. I nodded and reached across the table to grab her hand. "Now, can we eat? The only think I've had today were chicken nuggets."

I laughed out loud. "Go ahead." I could see why this was her favorite restaurant. It still had a hint of elegance but had greasy food. For some reason, it was nice to think in my head that she would enjoy the club's food. We had the table cleared in no time and I walked out with her arm in mine.

"Thank you for meeting me," I said quietly. She hugged me tightly and tried to fix my hair.

"You should call Scott and Patricia. They'd be thrilled to hear from you too," she whispered.

"I'll try. Dad, on the other hand..."

"It'll be a while. I know. I love you," she smiled at me.

"I love you too."

"Tell Beatrice I said hello!" Mom waved as she scooted into the driver's seat of the car and put it in reverse. I rode back to the club in silence and pulled into the lot with a smile. My phone had buzzed halfway through my journey, so I pulled it out to look at it the second I got back.

Got your number from home phone. Here's Scott's address and number. Patricia is never home—works at OHSU. Love you.

I smiled at my phone and responded that I'd gotten her message.

"Hey you," Beatrice smiled. Gravel crunched under her feet as she made her way to the small piece of pavement that was left.

"Hey," I said. I slid off my helmet and stepped off my bike. She grew closer, and I noticed a nervousness I hadn't seen before.

"How was lunch?" She slid her arms around me and looked up at me.

"Better than I expected. You okay?" I wrapped my hands in her hair to cradle her head.

"I have this weird...surprise? I guess you could call it that," she muttered.

"If it's from you, I will one-hundred percent like it. Promise," I assured.

"I've never given this kind of gift to anyone," she began to scratch my back.

"I promise I'll like it. Okay? I want to see," I pulled her away from me and lightly pushed her towards the clubhouse. She wandered in there and led me through different halls. She stopped near the back door, where there was a large, locked door with a prospect in front of it. He held his hand out, as if to stop her.

"Your present's in there." All she did was point at the door and turn towards me. I'll be in your room when you're done."

"Are you sure it's in there?" I glanced at the prospect who shrugged.

"Yup. I'll see you when you're done." Without another word, she turned away from me and walked towards my room. When I stepped towards the door—leading to the Underground—the candidate stepped aside.

"Have fun," he muttered as he unlocked the last bolt. I was confused, but my legs led me down the enormous flight of stairs and to a set of cells. I glanced over them. Most of them were empty, but on the very end. I smirked, cracked my knuckles and walked over there.

"Hello, Trevor."


Next up is........ROOSTER!

Not the longest chapter, but I hope you enjoyed!

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