Chapter 2

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This writing is slow, but it's going! Trying to move this a little faster, but I don't want to force it :)


I looked really bad.

I grimaced and tugged on the yellow shirt as if it would turn black the second I touched it. I didn't really branch out in terms of the color of my clothing, so this was a bit of a stretch.

My leather jacket covered most of it, but I made sure to zip it so no one saw even a glimpse of yellow. I slid my cut on over it and moved out the door. I always looked forward to the beginning of the week, but time and time again Beatrice never gave me the time of day.

Maybe this shirt would help.

I was there in no time, and I unzipped my jacket after I'd gotten off my bike and put my helmet down. There wasn't anyone else in the building this time.

"Hey, sweetheart," I drawled as I opened the door. The bells above it jingled and Beatrice looked my way before rolling my eyes.


"Wait," I interrupted her and held my hands out like she was some scared puppy. Her eyebrows raised. "I wore this for you." I tugged on my shirt and smiled at her.

Beatrice looked down at her own yellow shirt, then back at mine.

"You look silly wearing yellow," she giggled. I grinned and walked a little closer to the desk.

"How has your day been, Beatrice?" I asked quietly. She thought about it for a moment.

"It's been okay," she said tentatively.

"Go out with me?" I begged, jumping right to the point. Beatrice got up off of the little stool she'd been sitting on and sighed.

"I knew it was coming," she muttered.

"I would really like to get to know you better," I begged again. She turned to face me with a frown on her face.

"And I really can't go out with you," she whispered. I creased my eyebrows. "Daddy, Sniper's here!"

"Fuck," I whispered under my breath. Mr. Odison came out from the back with the backpack already full.

"Need anything else?" He asked while shaking my hand. I turned my head slightly towards Beatrice.

"Nothing," I answered and exited the store. I shoved the backpack on quickly and zipped up my jacket before mounting my bike.

As soon as I got back to my room in the clubhouse, I tore the yellow shirt off and tossed it onto the floor of my closet and flopped onto the bed without a shirt.

Why the hell was she saying no?

"Damnit," I whispered to myself. I didn't bother putting on a shirt before going to the bar. Rampage was already there.

"No business today?" I muttered and swiped the bottle of scotch off of the bar.

"Real slow lately," he muttered. "You?"

"Sniper, need you on a run in a few minutes," Pres passed the door of the bar and shouted to me. I slammed the bottle down, groaned, but rushed out to follow him.

"I'm a little," I slowed down and hiccuped, "tipsy."

"Damnit. I'll find someone else. I want you sober tomorrow, I've got another run then," Pres sighed and walked back to wherever he had come from while I stumbled back to the bar.

"She still saying no to you?" Rampage smirked and tipped his beer back.

"Maybe," I scoffed and turned so he didn't have to see my beet-red face. I took another swig of scotch and relaxed into the booth. Even the bartenders weren't behind the bar yet.

"I shouldn't be getting drunk right now," I whispered to myself. Rampage was able to hold his liquor more than any human being on earth, but my limit was extremely low. I placed the bottle of scotch back behind the counter and poured water into an empty glass.

Three cups of water later I wasn't stumbling when I walked, so I moved to visit Pres and assured him I could go on the run.

"Fine," Pres sighed, rubbing his eyes. "You and Rooster are going to pick up a shipment. I've had men scouting the area for week. If you need backup, Comp will be listening in."

"Got it," I muttered. Just keep me busy.

Sadly, the pickup only lasted a few hours and I was back in my room with nothing to do but think of her in her little overalls...fuck!

Late that night I went into the kitchen, too hungry to focus, and pulled out a bag of chips to munch on.

"Can't sleep?" A sleepy voice asked. I turned around to see Queenie slowly waddle into the kitchen with a wince.

"Are you okay?" I jumped to my feet to help her sit down.

"Yeah, my back is just killing me. We're only having one kid," she swore. "I didn't even want kids before I met him, but here we are."

"You're going to make great parents. Do you want something to eat or drink?" I stood next to her while she cradled her stomach.

"A glass of almond milk and some grapes would be fantastic," Queenie whispered. I removed her two obsessions from the fridge and carefully sat them down in front of her.

"How do you impress a girl that isn't interested in you?" I asked bluntly. Queenie coughed, then began to choke with laughter at my question.

"I think you've just answered your own questions," she chuckled. My shoulders slumped.

"But she's amazing and I don't know why she keeps saying no," I muttered. I shoved a handful of chips in my mouth and tapped my foot against the floor.

"It doesn't matter why she is saying no. She's saying no," Queenie reminded.

"I know," I whispered. My foot stopped tapping and I began to crinkle the chip bag back together.

"Babe," someone grumbled to the hall. Pres walked slowly into the kitchen and began to rub Queenie's shoulders.

"Hey," we both murmured quietly.

"Come back to bed," Pres whispered not-so-quietly. I turned my head away, feeling a little like I was intruding, and stood to put the chip bag away.

"I got that," I assured quietly when Maya reached for her glass of milk and bag of grapes. Pres helped her up and down the hall, back to their bedroom. I put all the food away and trudged back to my room, feeling defeated.

I knew what I had to do.


Hope you enjoyed! I just want you guys to get to know Beatrice better :)

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