Chapter 5

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Hello! I'm going home for the holidays, soon, and I'm nervous I won't have as much inspiration to write. Trying to bust out as many chapters as I can right now!


The boring week turned out to be two.

Then two weeks turned into three, and I wasn't the only one that was homesick.

Rooster's ADD was acting up, leaving it almost impossible for him to do anything without getting completely distracted, Blade was sad for two days every time Torch sent him a picture of his kids, and Rampage...was actually the exact same.

I kicked the stand down on my bike and watched the garage door close before standing up with a sigh. I walked into the house and grabbed Blade's sandwich out of his hands.

"Make your own," Blade snarled and ripped the sandwich back out of my hands. He took a large bite out of the corner and moved to the living room, leaving the plate he was using on the counter. I rolled my eyes and pulled two pieces of bread out of the loaf he had just put back.

"Pres wants the weekly update tonight instead of tomorrow," Rampage muttered from a few feet behind me. I jumped, dropped the butter knife I was holding, and turned around the face him.

The man was too damn quiet.

"Why?" I picked the knife up and tossed it into the sink, rolling the silverware drawer open with a thud. I grabbed another knife before he spoke again.

"Club's throwing a party tomorrow. Apparently it's the Rs' anniversary," Rampage sighed. He stood next to me and grabbed a can of soup out of the cabinet next to the microwave.

"Gotcha," I answered. We stood in silence for a while after that. Snake came into the kitchen to make his lunch as well.

"Glad we're not there for that," Snake grimaced. I swung to face him as quick as I could and glared at him, but Rampage's slow turn was much more menacing.

"You have a problem?" I stepped towards him. Snake pulled an apple out of the fridge and didn't flinch when he turned around to see us right behind him.

"Whatever, man," Snake stepped around me. "I'm going to go sleep before my shift." He jogged up the stairs and I turned back to my sandwich, feeling like rage was going to explode from my body.

The MC was a family. You didn't treat family like that.

Rampage stayed silent and glared down the hallway that Snake had disappeared into. I layered some deli meat and cheese onto my sandwich and took the plate into the living room. Blade was finishing off his sandwich while watching a baseball game.

I sat down and ate my meal silently.

"Snake say some homophonic shit again?" Blade licked his fingers and didn't take his eyes off of the game. I glanced towards him and swallowed the bite that was in my mouth.

"Again? He's done it before?" I asked quietly. Blade nodded and Rampage came into the room with his bowl of soup. I tried not to chuckle at the massive man carrying a small bowl, blowing at it softly. His eyes snapped to mine and I looked away.

"Yeah. I'm going to kill him one of these days," Rampage whispered under his breath. Blade glanced at Rampage for a second before looking back at the game again. I hoped Snake didn't come out of his room for the debriefing; Pres should be updated on that shit.

My shift this morning was boring, and Rampage had said nothing happened overnight. I glanced at the man eating his soup...did the guy ever sleep? Rooster arrived just before dinner and Snake announced he'd switched shifts with Blade, which meant he'd be leaving right then and there.

I clenched my fist to avoid swinging it at him and watched him leave.

Pres called us shortly after dinner. I set up the computer at the kitchen table, so he could see all of us, and accepted the skype call. Pres and Torch's faces appeared on the screen before us.

"How's everything going there?" Pres leaned back in his chair. Torch carefully ran his eyes over each one of us.

"Fine," I answered. "Nothing really to report. Guys?" I asked the rest of the table. They all shook their heads.

It was a boring week.

"We've been talking, and we want you guys to move in tomorrow. Target is Mark Rampat," Pres held a picture up to the screen. We all leaned in for a closer look. Comp was good at hiding things, but emails were too risky.

"What's his story?" I asked and crossed my arms. Why the hell was this guy trying to attack the club?

"His dad ran some small, shit MC in Montana. They got too involved and tried to attack the old Angels. They lost," Torch explained after pulling a sheet of paper out of a folder.

"You got a plan for us?" I asked. Pres explained it slowly and carefully, then asked for input at the end. We all shook our heads.

"Move in next week. I'll call Sniper with an official date and time. Inform Snake, alright?" Pres asked.

"Got it," I answered. He said a short goodbye and ended the encrypted call. We went over the plan again before going our separate ways for the evening.

Two days later, I got a text during my shift. Why the hell was Pres texting me at five o'clock in the morning?

"Tuesday. 5:17. Comp will be watching on cams and on Comms to help you guys out. Good luck," the text read. I read over it a few more times before deleting it. The binoculars were getting old, and we weren't getting any information from these stakeouts. I was looking forward to some action.

I announced the plan to the rest of the members when I got back. Slowly, over the weekend, we packed and organized our weapons until Tuesday came along. The time was specific, and we couldn't be late, so we arrived exactly at 5:16.

Masks were pulled over our faces, but our cuts were left on. We wanted them to know who was hitting them. I took the lead and stepped forward, motioning with my hands which direction everyone should be moving.

"Let's go!" my watch struck 5:17 and I kicked through the door, immediately opening fire. Blade took two down to my left, Snake stayed behind me, but Rampage ran into the fray. Somewhere, a flame was lit, and the house began to fill with smoke.

"Eight men left, five downstairs three upstairs," echoed in everyone's headset. I turned to fire at one exiting the bathroom, then another before rushing up the stairs. I had no clue where Rampage was but I the other men were talking in the comms and finishing off the last men downstairs.

One strange looking man with a limp met me at the top of the stairs. As I raised my arm to fire, another one appeared around the corner and bumped into him, causing him to fire.

I ignored the pain that had suddenly appeared in my leg and shot the man with the gun, but the other man threw himself at me. We toppled down the stairs and I cushioned his fall most of the way.

"Fuck!" I heard as I landed. Footsteps rushed up the stairs and a shot was fired before I even opened my eyes.

"Sniper's down."


Thanks for reading! Sorry for the cliffhanger :)

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