Chapter 1

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This book is going a little slower than the first two, but I'm still going to try and update as much as possible!


"Going on an ammo run," I muttered, "need anything?"

Pres leaned back in his chair, causing it to creak, and tapped his fingers against his chin. My eyes glanced at the picture of him and Maya on their wedding day hanging on his wall.

"Some more nine-millimeters than last time. Other than that, the usual," he answered thoughtfully. I nodded and stepped out of his office.

Rider becoming President was the best thing that had ever happened to the club. I joined at a horrible time of bankruptcy and corruption, but ever since he had taken the reigns, the club had been flourishing.

I patted my back pocket to assure that my wallet was still there before lifting a leg over my bike and turning the key in the ignition. I backed out, passing Rooster and Rampage on their way in.

I raised my fingers on my handlebars to wave before heading off to the arms store.

"Major's Arms" was located ten minutes from the clubhouse and was all too happy to supply us with any of the arms that we needed.

Plus, it helped that the girl that worked the counter was hot as hell.

I opened the door, taking a deep breath of the air that came out of the store. It had to be one of my favorite smells. She was helping someone else first today. I waited a few feet behind the guy, taking my favorite girl in with a grin.

She was wearing black overalls that matched her hair perfectly, with a yellow shirt underneath. The other man left a minute after I'd come in.

"Have a good day," she called to him before turning to me with a snarky roll of her eyes.

"Hey, sweetheart," I smirked and sauntered up to the counter. She crossed her arms in front of her and stared at me, unimpressed.

"Sniper," she greeted quietly. "Daddy! Sniper's here." I cursed silently and turned away from her, tongue in my cheek. I never got more than a few seconds alone with her.

"Hey," Mr. Odison came out and shook my hand with a tight grip.

"How's it going?" I smiled with my teeth clenched shut. He smiled back.

"Good, good. Need the usual?" He moved to go back into the back of the store.

"More nine millimeters, but yes," I answered. He darted into the back, and I knew it wouldn't take him long, so I had to make the most of the time I had left.

"C'mon, Beatrice," I begged.

"No," she answered and turned away to stock some random shit. I moved into her line of sight again.

"Please," I put my hands together and begged once more. Her shoulders shook with laughter, but she shook her head no.

Would she ever go out with me?

"Here you go," Mr. Odison came back out and handed me a weighted backpack. I handed him the empty one in my hand for next week and glanced at Beatrice before walking back to my bike. That woman was going to drive me crazy.

I set the backpack down in the arms room and began to unload and stock with a sigh. Queenie came in a few minutes later, her seven-month pregnant belly stretched out in front of her.

"You any good at this?" She whined and shoved paperwork in front of me. I grabbed it from her and read it over with wide eyes.

"Finances? Hell no. Pres did that shit," I handed them back to her and unloaded the las pack of ammunition from the backpack. She shuffled through the paperwork and leaned against the doorway.

"How's the pregnancy? Any word from the doctor?" I asked. Losing her first child had been traumatic to say the least. Pres had a little memorial in the backyard for the unborn child.

"This one's doing great," Queenie smiled and rubbed her stomach a little bit. "Doctor said I should go to full term."

"That's amazing," I smiled. I was glad they were happy and that this pregnancy would work out.

"Torch is having a hard time," she whispered, her face suddenly looking downcast. "Okay, thanks for answering my question! See you later, Sniper." Just as suddenly as she had come into the room, she went back to her office.

After giving the receipts to Pres I met Rampage at the bar for the evening. He sipped on his whiskey while I stuck with my typical beer.

Torch slammed himself down next to us an hour later. I jumped slightly, cursing when my beer spilled on my shirt, and glared at him.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Titan is—god, this is difficult," Torch sighed and rested his head on his forearms.

"Want a beer?" Rampage grunted.

"No. I'm going back in a minute, I just need to sit here," Torch murmured. He fell silent after that and it took us about twenty minutes to realize he had passed out on his stool next to me. I stared at him for a minute.

"I got it," I sighed. I stretched around and pulled my ohone out of my back pocket to dial Minnie's number.

"Hey Sniper," she breathed when she answered the phone. I winced at the sound of Titan crying over the phone.

"Torch is passed out at the bar," I said and took a sip of my beer.

"He went drinking?" Minnie gasped.

"No, no," I went back on my words, "he just came here and fell asleep. You want me to drag his ass back?"

"No, that's alright. Just tell him to get home soon or it's his hand tonight," she giggled and hung up. I put my phone down with a grimace and shoved Torch off of his stool with a cocky smirk.

"What the hell, man?" Torch staggered up, wiping his eyes.

"Minnie said to get home soon or it's your hand tonight," I told him. His eyes widened and he left, cursing, as fast as he could. I shook my head and grinned at the tv, watching the Pacers win again.

What a life it was here.


Let me know what you guys think of his character so far!

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