Chapter 12

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Hey! I'm really sorry I didn't update last week I was really busy. I tried to make this chapter a little longer than the others but I really don't know if it will be :)



*Will's POV*

I am such an idiot.

I groan burying my face in my hands. When I dropped Carter back off at her house what felt like hours ago, I called up my buddy Harry. I needed a night to forget my worries about Carter's safety, so I did what I hadn't done in a while... I went to hang out with my friends.

Ever since Carter and I became a couple she has been my full attention. And ever since Carter's accident I worry about her even more. If she ever got hurt again I don't know what I would do with my self. I don't know what Kris would do to me.

After Carter's run in with Hector Kris pulled me aside. And I have to admit he is a really good brother. He's protective and nice to her, almost like a father to her. I always wished I had a sibling like that.

Yeah I do have siblings but we are nothing like the Bennett kids.

My 19 year old sister is fine, she is protective too, but she's way too over protective. That's why I haven't told her that I was dating anyone. She would insist on meeting them ASAP, and when she met then she would tell the girl to beat it and then continue to lecture me on how the girl wasn't good enough for me. Although when it comes time that I do have too introduce Carter to Nicky, I'll make sure I don't let go of Carter as easily as the other girls.

Then there are my two younger brothers. 10 year old Jared and 15 year old Aaron. Jared is a little brat, everyone always tells me how much the two of us are alike but I don't see it. Of all the Aston kids Aaron is the quietest, the nice kid. Almost never gets in trouble, the golden child if you will.

And then of course my least favorite sibling... Anthony.

My twin.

Ok, ok back to the story at hand. Kris pulled me aside and told me to protect Carter. He warned me about her issues with her parents. "When they left her Heart was broken." he told me "It took her two years to recover. Imagine how long it would take her to recover if you leave."

I had taken those words to heart. Carter, although she acted tough she was as delicate as anyone else.

Now I may have done something to damage that delicacy. And honestly I don't know exactly what I had done wrong.

When Carter texted me informing me that she was at her cabin and would call me later. I decided to be an idiot and scare the crap out of her.

I had only expressed my feelings. Girls like that right? When guys express their feelings in a relationship? Well I thought it would be fine letting her know that I missed her. I guess not. After I sent the message the little 'read' text popped up under the message. But of course there was no reply.

No, I miss you too.

No, talk to you later.

No, <3


Just no reply.

No reply.

No reply.

No reply!


Yeah, yeah I know. I'm acting like some controlling boyfriend. But I don't care! She could be hurt by my words... somehow. Or she could be physically hurt. She could be hiding under her covers scared to death of what I had told her.

I groan covering my eyes with my hands. Such an idiot! A stupid, stupid idiot.

"Hey man, are you alright." I uncover my eye looking up to see Harry standing next to me with a bowl of popcorn. He grabbed a handful and shoved it in his mouth. "You've been distant all night, whats up?"

"Yeah dude, what'd you do this time?" I turn just as Greg enters the room with Ben following behind.

"I could have just made the biggest mistake of my life." I tell them. I continue going into more detail about how Carter left on a vacation with her friends and family up north. I told them how much I missed her and how worried I was about her. After taking a deep breath I told them about the text I had sent her and how after hours of waiting there still was no reply.

Ben sighed walking over to me and patting me on the back. "I hate to break it to you man. But, you got crazy-obsessed-boyfriend syndrome." I give a small chuckle but stop when I look at his face he wasn't laughing he was dead serious. I watch as he rubs his temples and then continues. "Dude I know you care about her and whatnot... but this is no big deal. She's going to be completely fine up there, she had her family right? You need to stop worrying and hang out with us. Just chill out man."

"Yeah you have the bestest friends in the world here." Greg says gesturing to the three of them. "And as for the text. Don't worry about it, you expressed your feelings... and I think girls like that. She probably didn't reply for a good reason."

"You guys are right! There's nothing I can do know so might as well just hang out with you." I say smirking at there frowning faces.

"You act as if we're the second best thing." Harry pouts crossing his arms over his chest.

I burst out laughing, I clutch my stomach it hurts so much. "Your faces!" I say falling back onto the couch.

I watch helplessly as Greg dumps the bowl of popcorn on my head.

"Hey!" Harry yells. We all stop laughing as we stare at him waiting for his reasoning. "I was going to eat that!" He says after a moment. We all burst out laughing, all of us sprawled on the ground from laughing to hard.



I slowly lift my head rubbing my sore forehead. I pick up my phone that's resting to my left noticing it's a little after 1am.

I jump up as I notice that I have gotten a message. The guys convinced me not to text Carter again says I was sorry for rushing things, they told me it was in Carter's hands now.

Taking a deep breath I open the message. A smile as I see the message is from Carter.

Carter: I'm so so so sorry! I meant to reply back to u but I got sidetracked with my brothers and unpacking. I'm really sorry :(

I sigh. Turning off my phone. She didn't say anything about the message I had sent her.

As if on cue, my phone buzzes again. I quickly opened the message and smirk to myself as I read the text.

Carter: Did u really think I wouldn't say I miss you too ;)

Me: Well in my defense I'd been waiting for that for like... 6 hours ;)

I laugh as I read her next message.

Carter: You're going to hold that over my head for the rest of my life :(

Me: Well I need to have something against you to get my way

Carters: Ha Ha I'm dying of laughter. [insert eye roll emoji here]

Me: LOL Now I'm dying of laughter

Carter: I have to go Katie and Riley are yelling at me for laughing to hard :)

Me: Ok. I'll miss you ;)

Carter: I'll miss u too <3

I smile to myself as I turn off my phone. Perhaps there's nothing to worry about after all. Or at least I hope there's not.

I'm still worried about Carters safety. But for now I can only hope nothing happens. She is the only thing on my mind as I drift back to sleep.

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